Fat experiences

Fantasy feeder success stories

I'm really curious if anyone's had any success stories from here? Such as finding a feeder/feedee or anything else in general ext

I've had 3 feedees in total since I've been on FF. I met my current partner and feedee on here too. It's gotten quite serious. Our relationship morphed from strictly feedist to a normal, healthy relationship that happens to involve feedism.

Could you actually get into this? Preferably from a point of giving advise to (male?) feedees of things to do / not to do, based on your experience!

In what regard? Getting a feeder or developing a romantic relationship with your feeder?

That too, but also, what should a feedee do, in a more elementary level. For example, how to uproach someone else without being a creep and simultaneously not being boring, but be interesting to that other person. And im asking this, specifically because it's something really tricky. Since if you haven't talked with that other person, you reeeally have to guess. But this just is an example!

So you want to know how to introduce yourself to other people without them blocking you, basically. Correct?
10 months

Fantasy feeder success stories

I'm really curious if anyone's had any success stories from here? Such as finding a feeder/feedee or anything else in general ext

I've had 3 feedees in total since I've been on FF. I met my current partner and feedee on here too. It's gotten quite serious. Our relationship morphed from strictly feedist to a normal, healthy relationship that happens to involve feedism.

Could you actually get into this? Preferably from a point of giving advise to (male?) feedees of things to do / not to do, based on your experience!

In what regard? Getting a feeder or developing a romantic relationship with your feeder?

That too, but also, what should a feedee do, in a more elementary level. For example, how to uproach someone else without being a creep and simultaneously not being boring, but be interesting to that other person. And im asking this, specifically because it's something really tricky. Since if you haven't talked with that other person, you reeeally have to guess. But this just is an example!

So you want to know how to introduce yourself to other people without them blocking you, basically. Correct?

Oh not just that! 😂
The goal is to get to talk with them!
And in the context of FF, especially for people like me who don't live in the USA or any other place where feederism might be somewhat common, it's extremely hard to do that!
10 months

Fantasy feeder success stories

I'm really curious if anyone's had any success stories from here? Such as finding a feeder/feedee or anything else in general ext

I've had 3 feedees in total since I've been on FF. I met my current partner and feedee on here too. It's gotten quite serious. Our relationship morphed from strictly feedist to a normal, healthy relationship that happens to involve feedism.

Could you actually get into this? Preferably from a point of giving advise to (male?) feedees of things to do / not to do, based on your experience!

In what regard? Getting a feeder or developing a romantic relationship with your feeder?

That too, but also, what should a feedee do, in a more elementary level. For example, how to uproach someone else without being a creep and simultaneously not being boring, but be interesting to that other person. And im asking this, specifically because it's something really tricky. Since if you haven't talked with that other person, you reeeally have to guess. But this just is an example!

So you want to know how to introduce yourself to other people without them blocking you, basically. Correct?

Oh not just that! 😂
The goal is to get to talk with them!
And in the context of FF, especially for people like me who don't live in the USA or any other place where feederism might be somewhat common, it's extremely hard to do that!

It's not really that hard to talk to female feeders. We are just women, and women are people. As such, the rules are the same as interacting with anyone you want to get to know better.

With that said, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind:

Remember you are speaking to a person. Do not objectify them.

Make sure they are on the same page as you. Sometimes the woman wants to jump straight into sexting. Other times they want to get to know you first.

Be a good conversationalist. Don't let them do all the heavy lifting, but respect them when they do not want to talk about something.

Take rejection with grace. It's the right thing to do. Plus, women will tell other women about you if you do can't take no for an answer.
10 months
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