Fat experiences

Everyone's losing weight

Everyone’s losing weight huh? Yeah I’ve been noticing that a lot too. Buckle up everyone, we’re about to witness the beginning of the end of an era. smiley

Era? What era?

Morbidly A Beast:
The fat era

That just makes us all the more special, then smiley
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

It’s times like these I wish I knew what a swfity was so I could give a good humorous jib here but I don’t
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

Everyone’s losing weight huh? Yeah I’ve been noticing that a lot too. Buckle up everyone, we’re about to witness the beginning of the end of an era. smiley

Era? What era?

Morbidly A Beast:
The fat era

Of course. My mistake.
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

I don't think we have to worry about everyone losing weight. It's great that there's people who are losing weight who didn't want to be fat to begin with and wanted a change. There's always going to be people who wish to be fat, the obesity epidemic isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

There isn’t an obesity epidemic there’s a rise in slightly overweight to severely overweight in the population but this can be contributed to alot of things, it’s not like the population is all 300+
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

Every few months or so, someone makes a panic post about everyone losing weight.

And every time, it proves to be a nothing burger. Fat people have always existed and will continue to exist. No one is going to force you to lose weight. And you won't become one of the few fat people alive.

Some people want to be fat - even outside of this fetish. Others are body neutral. And there are some that want to be healthy but not necessarily thin.

And for those that do? So what? It literally changes nothing about your life.

It's going to be okay.

That aside, there's a conversation to be had about making the world friendlier to fat people. The world is a very fatphobic place. But freaking out about people who want to lose weight achieving their goals isn't the way to do it.
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

I was making a Taylor Swift joke about eras I don’t know why people do this lol we’re not going anywhere
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

Morbidly A Beast:
I was making a Taylor Swift joke about eras I don’t know why people do this lol we’re not going anywhere

adore t swift so i got it.. think they will change it to the KC Swifts?
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

Been noticing lately a lot of people I know have been losing weight. Seems like the ozempic drug is doing wonders. It's been a wild experience starting to become the fat one now and all the fat people I used to know become skinny.

cost of living goo brrrrr
7 months

Everyone's losing weight

Its not all bad, - seeing that deflated melted body's with rolls of excess skin swaying from side to side like bags of mashed banana - is beautiful too
7 months
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