
20 years of ff

Damn.. guess it really had been 20 years! Lot of things happened in that time, too.

I wasn't here from day 1, joining a few years later. But man, it was different. I remember when FF used to have a hot pink theme rather than light red/burgundy.

I can say this though.. there has not been any other online community where I've been such a long term member. Nor did I expect I would keep coming back again and again, back when I signed up on Christmas Day, 2006! My user ID is only 4 digits, I've been around for so long.

Anyway, happy 20 years of FF! And may there be another 20 years!

Had I known, I might have gotten some cake.
7 months

20 years of ff

happy birthday fantasy feeder!

i think this is the only resource from that era that is active and still going strong, so well done! dimensions (my first entry point into the community) is still around, but it is a shadow of its former self. whereas ff has grown and added features and improvements it seems dims has retreated into just a piece of forum software.

here's to another 20 years! smiley
7 months

20 years of ff

This definitely deserves cake. Lots of cake.
7 months
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