
Nature versus nurture?

I think for me it has been mostly nature.

I never had much exposure to the matter when I was young. My mom has always been incredibly small, both skinny and short (about 5'1" and hovering around 100 lbs) and my sister was more moderate in weight. I didn't really know anyone at school who pushed me in either direction notably, nobody especially skinny or fat as friend or foe.

Yet, I always loved when stuff about gaining weight came up on cartoons or the like. Even if it was a guy gaining (I am a straight, cis male). .
When I got old enough to i always liked stuff online about the same, I loved it no matter who was gaining or how realistic it was. I just liked watching people fatten up. I ended up using deviantart and /d to find materials about it, and finding stories on

I ended up getting together with a fat girl in college. She was my first (and only thus far after over a decade) girlfriend. She HATED being called fat, and would react terribly, but she couldn't stop gaining weight, and is more now than she ever has been. I would never consider fattening her up intentionally, I know she would HATE it, but it's nice to fantasize about occasionally. I mostly just stay neutral to it, when she's sad about gaining I lend an ear, but one time I broke down and told her what I felt. It wasn't ugly, it was beautiful. I loved every pound of her plump, soft body, and I still do.

When I told her she initially thought I was just trying to be nice I think. Then she basically went "Yeah, that checks out." Since I had never criticized her for eating or gaining. In all honesty, I think it wouldn't be hot for her to gain more though. It makes her miserable, and even more than fat I love it when she is happy and confident in herself.

I'm rambling now. I think it is more nature than nurture.
8 months
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