
Celebration (of sorts!)

If you have any energy for philosophizing, what is that special lady that the searching is about?

Its not that i have been searching for 25 years! I have had relationships during that time, though none right now!

Was just musing that I have known of this scene for 25 years, a quarter of a century, and i just realised half of my life too!!

Nonono! Im just curious about the ideological (a body of ideas) framework in which the "Special Other" exists. Not for you specifically, because im noticing a lot of people treat this in the same way. That they have an image of what that other person is, and then seeing whats closest to it.

And thats good to know xD

Oh i see! I don't have an image of perfection, physically i prefer SSBBW or those happy to enjoy their food and gain, but there has to be a connection too, a mutual spark to go with ir smiley
2 months

Celebration (of sorts!)

No pun intended but the scene seems to getting smaller and smaller, far less people into the scene than they used to be
2 months

Celebration (of sorts!)

No pun intended but the scene seems to getting smaller and smaller, far less people into the scene than they used to be

Perhaps, but not compared to 25 years ago!
2 months

Celebration (of sorts!)

No pun intended but the scene seems to getting smaller and smaller, far less people into the scene than they used to be

It's something of a snake eating it's tail. I talk about this a lot, but the current feedist ecosystem is toxic AF.

Mind you, this isn't an FF specific thing. I've heard things about the other site - most of it far worse than anything on FF.

Still, things have gotten better. It's easier to find safe, effective tips and tricks. There's a lot more visible minorities too. I also found out that Curvage axed their Candid section, so that's amazing.

Ngl, having that section was dumb and dangerous af. Morality of posting pictures of non-consenting private people to a fetish board aside, that was a lawsuit waiting to happen. Especially as governments are tightening up the laws around these things.
2 months

Celebration (of sorts!)

No pun intended but the scene seems to getting smaller and smaller, far less people into the scene than they used to be

It's something of a snake eating it's tail. I talk about this a lot, but the current feedist ecosystem is toxic AF.

Mind you, this isn't an FF specific thing. I've heard things about the other site - most of it far worse than anything on FF.

Still, things have gotten better. It's easier to find safe, effective tips and tricks. There's a lot more visible minorities too. I also found out that Curvage axed their Candid section, so that's amazing.

Ngl, having that section was dumb and dangerous af. Morality of posting pictures of non-consenting private people to a fetish board aside, that was a lawsuit waiting to happen. Especially as governments are tightening up the laws around these things.

There was a candid section on Curvage? Oh wow, i never realised.Glad to hear its gone though.
2 months

Celebration (of sorts!)

No pun intended but the scene seems to getting smaller and smaller, far less people into the scene than they used to be

It's something of a snake eating it's tail. I talk about this a lot, but the current feedist ecosystem is toxic AF.

Mind you, this isn't an FF specific thing. I've heard things about the other site - most of it far worse than anything on FF.

Still, things have gotten better. It's easier to find safe, effective tips and tricks. There's a lot more visible minorities too. I also found out that Curvage axed their Candid section, so that's amazing.

Ngl, having that section was dumb and dangerous af. Morality of posting pictures of non-consenting private people to a fetish board aside, that was a lawsuit waiting to happen. Especially as governments are tightening up the laws around these things.

There was a candid section on Curvage? Oh wow, i never realised.Glad to hear its gone though.

Honestly, I hadn't heard either of it until another user posted a link to a candid post he made ages ago. It was ... horrifying. And he couldn't understand why people were upset about it either.

It's a thing of the past now. May it remain. This is why you'll never find pictures of me online.
2 months
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