
Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

That doesn't give any of the new feeders a chance to feed anybody. I mean I told one of buddies from the UK what feederism is and he found a feedee in about 7 mins right by his home. He fed her and she wanted to do it again. In America I told him it is way different the beauty standard especially in NYC is what fuck up a lot of feeder and feedee relationships. In my opinion.

I think this is the main things im seeing. Shouldnt feed someone unless you know them but a lot of the time you can't get to know them till you need them lol. Thats why im wondering how do some of you guys get to know online feedees.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

That doesn't give any of the new feeders a chance to feed anybody. I mean I told one of buddies from the UK what feederism is and he found a feedee in about 7 mins right by his home. He fed her and she wanted to do it again. In America I told him it is way different the beauty standard especially in NYC is what fuck up a lot of feeder and feedee relationships. In my opinion.

Babes, I've been in the game longer than you. I'm gracing you with free wisdom.

A fool and his money are soon departed. And desperation ain't cute. You wanna scare of the maidens? Because this is how you scare off the maidens. If you don't wise up, the only feedees that will give you the time of day are the ones that want your money.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

That doesn't give any of the new feeders a chance to feed anybody. I mean I told one of buddies from the UK what feederism is and he found a feedee in about 7 mins right by his home. He fed her and she wanted to do it again. In America I told him it is way different the beauty standard especially in NYC is what fuck up a lot of feeder and feedee relationships. In my opinion.

I think this is the main things im seeing. Shouldnt feed someone unless you know them but a lot of the time you can't get to know them till you need them lol. Thats why im wondering how do some of you guys get to know online feedees.

Be active on the site, be pleasant to talk to, and put human connection before kink and horny. It's not difficult. And this is coming from an autistic person.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

I am talking to one right now and they are pretending to be another feedee but I don't remember the models name. But the person is someone who I reported recently name gettingbig76 I remember hearing there voice there on a new account called fatobidentcow.

And this is why you gotta cool it with the desperation and the horny. No one worth spending time will want anything to do with you because they will feel like a used cum rag. And the ones that will give you the time of day will use and abuse you.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

How did you guys become friends with them? Especially since in this day and age it seems like most feedees just want your money lol?

I never found that too difficult. When you just enjoy talking about any number of things, it seems like friendship follows pretty naturally.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

That doesn't give any of the new feeders a chance to feed anybody. I mean I told one of buddies from the UK what feederism is and he found a feedee in about 7 mins right by his home. He fed her and she wanted to do it again. In America I told him it is way different the beauty standard especially in NYC is what fuck up a lot of feeder and feedee relationships. In my opinion.

Babes, I've been in the game longer than you. I'm gracing you with free wisdom.

A fool and his money are soon departed. And desperation ain't cute. You wanna scare of the maidens? Because this is how you scare off the maidens. If you don't wise up, the only feedees that will give you the time of day are the ones that want your money.

Actually very generous advice. Usually people don’t just tell you this kind of thing, you learn by screwing up repeatedly. Save yourself some pain guys.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

How did you guys become friends with them? Especially since in this day and age it seems like most feedees just want your money lol?

I never found that too difficult. When you just enjoy talking about any number of things, it seems like friendship follows pretty naturally.

That's pretty much the long and the short of it. If you put yourself out there and treat people the way you want to be treated, it's not hard to find people you want to befriend. Might take some patience, but you can find your people.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

How did you guys become friends with them? Especially since in this day and age it seems like most feedees just want your money lol?

I never found that too difficult. When you just enjoy talking about any number of things, it seems like friendship follows pretty naturally.

That's pretty much the long and the short of it. If you put yourself out there and treat people the way you want to be treated, it's not hard to find people you want to befriend. Might take some patience, but you can find your people.

I guess if there’s anything else to say, it’s that as cis-men we are working at a deficit because of bad behavior so sitting back and being patient, like Munchies said, is the best policy, even if it feels like interactions are few and far between for a while.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

How did you guys become friends with them? Especially since in this day and age it seems like most feedees just want your money lol?

I never found that too difficult. When you just enjoy talking about any number of things, it seems like friendship follows pretty naturally.

That's pretty much the long and the short of it. If you put yourself out there and treat people the way you want to be treated, it's not hard to find people you want to befriend. Might take some patience, but you can find your people.

I guess if there’s anything else to say, it’s that as cis-men we are working at a deficit because of bad behavior so sitting back and being patient, like Munchies said, is the best policy, even if it feels like interactions are few and far between for a while.

Honestly, patience is good no matter your gender. Shitty people exist across the spectrum. And no matter how kind, interesting, or charismatic you are, not everyone is going to jive with you.

I like to think I'm a delightful person. Sure, there are people who can't stand me, but most people like me or are neutral to my existence. While I've found friends and lovers on FF, it wasn't immediate. Took me a few months to find my people.
1 month

Stuffing feedee friends or strangers?

How did you guys become friends with them? Especially since in this day and age it seems like most feedees just want your money lol?

I never found that too difficult. When you just enjoy talking about any number of things, it seems like friendship follows pretty naturally.

That's pretty much the long and the short of it. If you put yourself out there and treat people the way you want to be treated, it's not hard to find people you want to befriend. Might take some patience, but you can find your people.

I guess if there’s anything else to say, it’s that as cis-men we are working at a deficit because of bad behavior so sitting back and being patient, like Munchies said, is the best policy, even if it feels like interactions are few and far between for a while.

Honestly, patience is good no matter your gender. Shitty people exist across the spectrum. And no matter how kind, interesting, or charismatic you are, not everyone is going to jive with you.

I like to think I'm a delightful person. Sure, there are people who can't stand me, but most people like me or are neutral to my existence. While I've found friends and lovers on FF, it wasn't immediate. Took me a few months to find my people.

Good point.
1 month
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