
Why does every guy i show interest in want to lose weight all of a sudden?? (rant)

I experienced this with some guys (even with my actual boyfriend). The bad part is none of them was doing for themselves, I can tell because after we stoped dating, everything changed. Also, my actual bf actually told me at first he lost weight for me.

Anyway, as Muchies said, you should just find a guy who enjoys eating. At first maybe he'll lose some weight and it will take a while until you'll convince him you actually like him fatter, but in the end it will be all good.

This happend with me and my bf. At first he lost weight (from 200lbs to 177), then he started to gain back slowly. Every time when he was seeing he gained more, he was talking about losing it, but his best was staying to the same weight. He didn't lose much after he startrd gaining back...and slowly he believed that I actually liked him fatter. Now he's 230 and he has no intention to lose any weight....but the process to believe me last almost 2 years even if I assured him every time

I think the secret is to find a guy you like for something else than being fat and just be patient with him.
1 month

Why does every guy i show interest in want to lose weight all of a sudden?? (rant)

Thanks for providing some insight on the topic. That definitely helps me feel a bit better.

This is why I started going after guys into extreme weight gain. They don't lose weight when you show interest in them and love it when you make them fatter.

But where do I find those guys? There are some Austrian feedees at the forum here, but after chatting for a bit most turned out to be weird or creepy, so I never met a feedee in the country I live in.

Feel that. I've met one Austrian feedee that was pretty cool, but he has a girl friend and is no longer on the site.

You may want to expand your search to nearby countries. Alternatively, you can go after guys that really love to eat. Maybe bond over it too.

Maybe take a cooking class that has men attending as well as women. You might also visit your local brewery or pub or anywhere people gather to eat and drink. Volunteer to work at a festival or with a nonprofit food truck or cafe. You may find others there who enjoy the pleasures of food and drink without dieting.

Or join a food coop. People there talk about the joys of cooking and recipes.

I don’t know how helpful this suggestion might be but anyway, there it is.
1 month
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