
Is there any furries here ? :0

yah, im not like an uwu furry but i do quite enjoy them...
1 week

Is there any furries here ? :0

yeh! I don't really talk abt it much normally but I would call myself one! :3
1 week

Is there any furries here ? :0

I know very little about furries, and would like to learn. I know there's crossover with feedism. If I were to guess what draws you to it, maybe the ability to choose your form? Anonymity? Playing a role outside of your norm?

If anyone would like to share, I'd like to know more. šŸ˜Š
5 days

Is there any furries here ? :0

never knew there was a crossover. Would be cool to hear how that works.
2 days

Is there any furries here ? :0

never knew there was a crossover. Would be cool to hear how that works.

Yup! They are called fat furs. They're a pretty large subgroup.
2 days

Is there any furries here ? :0

Iā€™m here!
1 day
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