Lifestyle tips

Itchy stretch marks

My skin is quite elasctic so that's it then. It's also extremely smooth which is also a sign of elastic skin so I've heard it said by other people with such skin.

Well then, there you go. It's not a bad thing.
2 weeks

Itchy stretch marks

Well, no. Once you get them, it means you grew faster than your skin could keep up. I've seen some wicked cases of fluid retention that led to stretchmarks.

I can confirm that severe edema sometimes causes stretch marks. Years ago I had a terrible reaction to a medication that resulted in my lower legs and feet blowing up like balloons. That was painful. I’ve also seen stretch marks on teens who had huge growth spurts.

Thanks for the tip, by the way! Shea butter is great stuff.
2 weeks

Itchy stretch marks

Well, no. Once you get them, it means you grew faster than your skin could keep up. I've seen some wicked cases of fluid retention that led to stretchmarks.

I can confirm that severe edema sometimes causes stretch marks. Years ago I had a terrible reaction to a medication that resulted in my lower legs and feet blowing up like balloons. That was painful. I’ve also seen stretch marks on teens who had huge growth spurts.

Thanks for the tip, by the way! Shea butter is great stuff.

Ouch, I am glad that got sorted. May you never experience that again.

And you're welcome!
2 weeks
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