
Anyone willing to talk to a trans woman

Hope you’re ok
1 month

Anyone willing to talk to a trans woman

Hope you’re ok

Thank you, you’re very kind. And yes, I’m so happy to be able to say that things are looking up. I’ve been very lucky, and making the most of some happiness which has made such a difference.
1 month

Anyone willing to talk to a trans woman

Hope you’re ok

Thank you, you’re very kind. And yes, I’m so happy to be able to say that things are looking up. I’ve been very lucky, and making the most of some happiness which has made such a difference.

That’s good to hear. Hope things keep looking up.
1 month

Anyone willing to talk to a trans woman

Hope you’re ok

Thank you, you’re very kind. And yes, I’m so happy to be able to say that things are looking up. I’ve been very lucky, and making the most of some happiness which has made such a difference.

Thank you, it’s also done wonders for my appetite being more at peace in myself.

That’s good to hear. Hope things keep looking up.
1 month

Anyone willing to talk to a trans woman

You’re loved smiley
1 month

Anyone willing to talk to a trans woman

Heya. I'd love to talk . I'm trans - only worked it out a year or so ago and not out yet. Send me a message if you like!
2 weeks

Anyone willing to talk to a trans woman

I'm glad you're here with us. May the rest of your year keep improving exponentially. 😌
2 weeks
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