Lifestyle tips

How to get bad skin?

I hate myself. I am an evil person.

Why do you hate yourself?

And what do you think an evil person is?
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I hate myself. I am an evil person.

Why do you hate yourself?

And what do you think an evil person is?

Because I misunderstood the post and I think I was being selfish. Even though I was just depressed and I myself have an abusive dad. I am afraid Ditzy was making it seem like I was a wealthy person when everyday I have to work at a physical while everyone hates me and make not as much money. Now I am planning to run away to Seattle and live with my dad's relatives that way I can risk having a happy life. I even thought of doing self harm days ago when I got in trouble in the office for falling asleep at work. I didn't have the courage to tell them my troubled life at home. I wish I was a famous animator and fullfill my dreams. That's what preventing me from killing myself.

As for why I think I am an evil person. I have mentally hurt people in the past and I have got into arguments online. I am terminally ill because I don't have many friends and I am all alone. I rarely go out.

I dont think i understand what you're saying in the first part. O.o

Did you reply in this post? Aside from this reply and the other (to which i replied to you)
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I did left a comment but I eventually deleted it.

Its better not to delete your comments as it would help me understand, and in that case i could help you better!

For now... Look, i have a very weird theory of things. I dont believe in peoples' (and mine) worth, etc. Its a bit hard to explain how on one hand i dont accept these ideas of, say "common wisdom" and on the other i dont suffer, like many people do.

What I most identify with is not having (... Well... Not having *enough*) friends. The limiting factor seems to be that of intelligence. To befriend someone closely, i need them to demonstrate their intelligence to me, usually through a conversation which absolutely requires that. I dont know if that helps?

You also seem to worry about a bunch of stuff that need no worry. I dont care about how rich someone is (i would worry if someone is too poor, but thats a different story), what i care about is the other person being able to exercise their critical though and so on. I dont assign some kind of morality to people based on their bank accounts or pockets! I think you once had a traumatic experience that made you uncomfortable with the idea of being presented as a rich person? (regardless if you are or not) Have you talked to a psychologist about that?
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I hate myself. I am an evil person.

Why do you hate yourself?

And what do you think an evil person is?

Because I misunderstood the post and I think I was being selfish. Even though I was just depressed and I myself have an abusive dad. I am afraid Ditzy was making it seem like I was a wealthy person when everyday I have to work at a physical job while everyone hates me and make not as much money. Now I am planning to run away to Seattle and live with my dad's relatives that way I can risk having a happy life. I even thought of doing self harm days ago when I got in trouble in the office for falling asleep at work. I didn't have the courage to tell them my troubled life at home. I wish I was a famous animator and fullfill my dreams. That's what preventing me from killing myself.

As for why I think I am an evil person. I have mentally hurt people in the past and I have got into arguments online. I am terminally ill because I don't have many friends and I am all alone. I rarely go out. The internet is my only escape.

I fail to see how any of this makes you evil. If anything, these are your abusers' words in your ear.
6 days

How to get bad skin?

No it's been a while since I had found a therapist. For a while now I used to think therapists were physical only. In other words, I didn't think there were online-only therapists.

Welp, it took me a while to find out such a thing exists. Why I can't meet one irl someone may ask? Well, I don't want my dad knowing about my mental health. One time my sister talked about her problems at home and my dad was pissed and thought she was making him seem like "the bad guy."

My hurdle was I never had any healthcare insurance. I missed the deadline to sign up for the company's offer years ago. I guess I would've winged it with a third part but idk I was new to this. Finally, I signed up for healthcare a few months back. But I haven't choosen my primary care doctor yet.

I might end up buying a webcam from Amazon that way I don't have to do this physical. I am too anxious to talk to someone but I guess I have no other choice. Man I wish I lived in Europe or Canada. You guys are lucky to have free health care.

Your dad is definetely "the bad guy", the fact he cares about his image more than your health proves it!

As for being anxious to talk, you may not necesarily need to. I dont like it either, i dont like the fact that i cant take my time to structure my thoughts properly, and craft what i want to say with more effort than im limited to in real time speech. I prefer writting. Is there such an option?
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I tried looking for options on Reddit. Most responses says therapists would rather talk than write or text since it isn't deemed as professional. I wish us patients can write first that way we can get comfortable once we feel read to see eachother face to face.

I would only advice you to prepare before hand, meaning, dont wait for the session to think about your thoughts, do that in your free time & write down stuff! Then give that to the therapists! It will be very helpfull i think!
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I tried looking for options on Reddit. Most responses says therapists would rather talk than write or text since it isn't deemed as professional. I wish us patients can write first that way we can get comfortable once we feel read to see eachother face to face.

I would only advice you to prepare before hand, meaning, dont wait for the session to think about your thoughts, do that in your free time & write down stuff! Then give that to the therapists! It will be very helpfull i think!

Thanks for the idea. I hope it all goes well once I find my therapist.

I am still hurt by Ditzy's comment. I have been SA'd as a kid/teen and abused. Bullied a lot at school as well. Yet I never say people won't survive what I went through. Why the hell would anyone want to go through with that? Don't get me wrong I do feel bad for her but it's like she's implying our lives aren't as flawed and we live in perfect worlds. Just rubbed me the wrong way. I am already in a abusive relationship with my dad. If only I had the courage to tell her that

Hun, you are spiralling. Breathe for a moment.

Do you have any coping mechanisms or ways to self soothe?
6 days

How to get bad skin?

Kitsune I never suggested anything about you personally or your situation.
Claiming You were hurt by what was in my comments is a stretch so please do things like that.
All I did was relay something I went thru nothing more. It had nothing to do with you personally.
I do hope you can get your life sorted out and have a happy life.
5 days

How to get bad skin?

Kitsune I never suggested anything about you personally or your situation.
Claiming You were hurt by what was in my comments is a stretch so please do things like that.
All I did was relay something I went thru nothing more. It had nothing to do with you personally.
I do hope you can get your life sorted out and have a happy life.

I've seen reactions like this before. Hell, I used to be this person back when I was being actively abused.

I might be preaching to the choir here, but when you are being abused, you end up bottling up all your negative emotions and exploding them where you feel it's safe. That might be towards yourself, strangers, or friends and family you deem safe. It's a way to gain some level of control over your life.
5 days

How to get bad skin?

I think you are right.
Abuse can come in different forms and none of it is good.
5 days
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