
Say something nice ...

A cute guy who has a sexy smile smiley
11 years

Say something nice ...

A lovely lady who is always a fun presence in the shoutbox.
11 years

Say something nice ...

Has the most amazing belly... And seems so lovely and kind to everyone smiley
11 years

Say something nice ...

Beautiful, sweet, kind and very silly smiley
11 years

Say something nice ...

Very cool on his stealth Penny Farthing. smiley
11 years

Say something nice ...

Cute and funny and his messages make me smile smiley
11 years

Say something nice ...

Sounds like a well mannered fellow!
11 years

Say something nice ...

Thank you, You have a rather nifty avatar. =p
11 years

Say something nice ...

Listens to some interesting music.... And has green eyes smiley
11 years

Say something nice ...

Someone that can recall and enjoy the shows of old. Nice to know someone remembers Fraggle Rock!
11 years