Submission and domination

Your kinkiest fantasy

Being the slave of my lovely feedee, him getting bigger as I become thinner until reaching a nice contrast 🌈💕
that could be a lot of good food and fun smiley
4 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

Being the slave of my lovely feedee, him getting bigger as I become thinner until reaching a nice contrast 🌈💕

that could be a lot of good food and fun smiley

Yeah? *giggles*
4 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

Can you send me a message? I am thin and I want you to make me fat
4 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

Captain Cake:
Mine is definitely to have an fa/feeder who feeds me up until my buried penis is too engulfed in fat for sex. And then humiliatingly, she forces me to use a strap on instead as she reminds me that I'll never be able to penetrate her without one again.

OMG this is right up my alley. Switch her to him. smiley Add begging, HOPING AND PRAYING, I can still be "found" under all my blubber...and pleasured if I've eaten enough for their liking for the day.

Also, holy cow, new kink, reading all of these posts as I eat is a real turn on, too! You people have some really HOT ideas!!
4 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

I want to be fed and being fucked at the same time by a hot sexy feeder. I also want to make him cum inside me. Literally stuffed me smiley.
3 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

I wanna be tooty
3 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

Hmm, my most reliable fantasy?

I want to slowly and methodically domesticate my partner, conditioning them to be my fat little pet before they ever consciously realize it happens. I'd keep their favorite sugary foods around the house, baking something new that they "have to try" twice a night, and prepare everything they eat in extra calorific ways, swapping out anything possible for the highest calorie density possible.

Over months I'd gradually replace the whole milk gallons with half and half, and bring home fast food I "tried and didn't finish". I'd push them away from athletic hobbies, making them feel better about staying inside all the time on the couch, or spending all day gaming and eating. I'd slowly get them out of the habit of walking places, and run errands for them because they "work so hard" and "deserve to rest". They deserve to rest all they want. I start making all their food for them while they spend all day in a desk chair or on the couch, and I'd bring them more and more food everyday. Their stomach naturally expands to all the food, and they become addicted to their hedonistic lifestyle.

As they slowly fatten up, I hide the scale and constantly reassure them of how attractive I find them. They start caring less and less about how they look, wearing shirts with stains if they even wear shirts at all.

I start introducing appetite stimulants and depressant drugs hidden in their foods, meant to keep they hungry, happy, and docile. They're pliable now, doing gradually less critical thinking and eating whatever I put in front of them. I start switching out their shows and games for easier ones, meant for older children. That don't require any more thought than they're capable of.

As they gain, they have less and less energy, until during sex they want me to do all the work. So I gradually take charge completely, domming them more and more frequently until my cute obedient sub would never consider doing anything else. I reward their obedience with sweets.

Over months, their brain function is suffering, and as they get fatter, their muscles atrophy and their mobility weakens. They're reliant on me; I care for them like a parent, washing, feeding, and supervising them. They aren't allowed to go anywhere alone. They aren't allowed to use the stove.

Their mind is now simple and childish, and all their games and television has been replaced with children's programming. It's all the thinking they're capable of.

Their mobility is significantly hampered now, and although they can barely reach their genitals, they know they're not allowed to touch them. Clothes are a thing of the past. I tell them they're not allowed to walk anymore since it's getting so hard for them. They're only allowed to crawl on all fours, and to prevent them from getting too tired out (I know best, after all) I collar them and put them on a short leash that prevents them from crawling out of the room.

They now eat everything from their trough on the floor, which is kept full constantly. Sometimes I put children's shows on for them, but most of their entertainment comes from eating sloppily from their trough, which they do essentially without break.

Bathrooms are no longer an option, and too much of an exertion of calories, so they're kept in diapers constantly. Words are getting difficult and they barely notice when they need to be changed, so I regularly check for them.

They're far too fat to heave their lard off the floor, so they've been sleeping on a mattress. One day I put a specially made large dog cage enclosed around their mattress, and begin to kennel train them. As soon as my pet hears their cage open, they waddle-crawl as quickly as they can, exhausted over moving the few feet from the trough to the cage.

They sleep in the locked kennel every night, and start spending more and more time in their cage everyday. Obviously my fat pet must be kept filled, so whenever they're in their cage, they're tube fed directly into their stomach a special mix of lard, sugar, drugs, and estrogen.

My pet is now rarely without its tube, and its blubbery unthinking mass is entirely dependent on its owner.

This is so hot, exactly what I want, but as the feedee. I want to be fully submissive, be told what to do, when to eat, someone to change my diaper because I'm too fat to get to the bathroom, someone to humiliate me. Wow.
3 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

This is so hot, exactly what I want, but as the feedee. I want to be fully submissive, be told what to do, when to eat, someone to change my diaper because I'm too fat to get to the bathroom, someone to humiliate me. Wow.[/quote]

I'd love to make you a spoiled, stuffed, submissive pig, diapered so you don't have to stop eating for anything... not that you would. You're too greedy and needy for that. Aching to be made into a docile diapered piglet and become too fat to do anything but get fatter
3 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

I want to be force to eat until I could barely move. I would feel to exhausted and utterly defeated to resist the urge to eat. Meanwhile, have my feeder be bigger than me at the start trying get me from chubby to massive really quick. She would make me even bigger than her.
3 years
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