
Fat liberation and us

That's always the dilemma... On the one hand, fat people won't be activists unless they're confident and able to fight for change. And on the other hand, there won't be lots of confident fat people without a visible movement that argues for our rights.

I think we have to start from both directions at the same time, doing whatever we can to help the people we know be more confident AND doing what we can to make social change, from asking our places of work to have seating for very fat customers to writing to journalists or whoever to complain about fatphobic attitudes. Neither one is easy, but that's who all change happens, I think.
14 years

Fat liberation and us

From the always wise Bella:

To me it makes more sense to work on respect. Respect for diversity and respect for the individual. Getting the general population to accept fat people not to mention feederism requires people to learn respect as a first if anything is going to happen. Some things simply can't be understood, and it's a lost cause trying to convince everyone, however learning to respect that people are different, have different dreams and desires and that diversity is a good thing, a sign of a healthy society should be achievable.

I agree completely. The question, then, is: how do we go about that? I think on some level all efforts--whether militant or legislative or whatever else--have all been trying ultimately to reach that point. How do you get people to respect each other?

Does anyone have any ideas?
14 years
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