
Movie quotes xd

wesleyv1 wrote
bart-candy gram for mongo candy gram for mongo candy gram for mongo
mongo- me mongo
bart-sighn please thank you
mongo-mongo like candy(boom)

blazing saddles

the bitch was inventing the candygram. i probably won't even get credit.
13 years

Movie quotes xd

Sheriff the only man who ever whup Mongo...
Oh-ho looks like you've got yourself an admirer!
NO! Mongo STRAIGHT!! *slams sheriff and Gene Wilder (why can't I remember the character's name now??) to the floor*

Blazing Saddles
13 years

Movie quotes xd

OniGumo wrote
Sheriff the only man who ever whup Mongo...
Oh-ho looks like you've got yourself an admirer!
NO! Mongo STRAIGHT!! *slams sheriff and Gene Wilder (why can't I remember the character's name now??) to the floor*

Blazing Saddles

i believe Mr Wilder played the Waco Kid.

he said the sheriff is near!!!
13 years

Movie quotes xd

collegeguy2514 wrote:
OniGumo wrote
Sheriff the only man who ever whup Mongo...
Oh-ho looks like you've got yourself an admirer!
NO! Mongo STRAIGHT!! *slams sheriff and Gene Wilder (why can't I remember the character's name now??) to the floor*

Blazing Saddles

i believe Mr Wilder played the Waco Kid.

he said the sheriff is near!!!

That would be the one lol


*takes a drag of the cigarette, comically high pitched voice* Good luck!
13 years

Movie quotes xd

Well, helping the little lady along my fine gentlemen? Well, Stay Away from her! Or *Indicates Scare-crow* I'll stuff a matress with you, and you! *Looks at Tin Man* I'll use you for a Bee-Hive!

Hey Scare-Crow! Wanna play ball? *hurls fire-ball at*

You see that? That's how long you've got left to be alive! And it isn't long, my pretty, it isn't long. I can't wait forever to get those shoes!!

--The Wicked Witch of the West
13 years

Movie quotes xd

Father Moore: Do not ask it any questions, or pay any attention to what it says.


Father Moore: We won't be dealing with Emily tonight

Emily/Demons: *Chuckles darkly*


Ethan Thomas: I'm looking at your list of published articles doctor. You've been quite busy, prolific. So, based on your time spent with holy rollers, snake handlers, Voodoo priestesses and Indians tripping on peyote buds, based on observing these bizarre individuals you've concluded that possession is a basic typical human experience?

Dr. Adani: I must say counselor, that's quite a laundry list of disdain and one that thoroughly mischaracterizes my research


Father Moore: Tell me you six names!

Emily Rose: [possessed] We are the ones who dwell within.

Emily Rose: [in Hebrew language] I am the one who dwelt within CAIN!

Emily Rose: [in Latin language] I am the one who dwelt within NERO!
Emily Rose: [in Greek language] I once dwelt within JUDAS!

Emily Rose: [in German Language] I was with Legion.

Emily Rose: [In Assyrian Neo-Aramaic language] I am Belial

Emily Rose: [possessed/English] and I am Lucifer, the devil in the flesh.

--Various character, The Exorcism of Emily Rose
13 years

Movie quotes xd

'Is there a problem?'
'Yeah moron. I ordered a cheese sandwich and there's hardly any cheese in here.'
'That's no good is it? Now, give me your sandwich and I will fix it for you. We can't have people complaining that there's not enough cheese in the cheese sandwiches can we? I mean, if there's no cheese in a cheese sandwich: it's basically just two slices of bread. And if that were to get out, well, I could lose my job. I COULD LOSE ALL OF THIS! And we wouldn't want that now... would we? Would we!... HUH?'
-Freddy Got Fingered
13 years

Movie quotes xd

Kraven: Let me tell you something about your beloved Dark Father. He's the one who killed your family, not the Lycans. He never could follow his own rules, said he couldn't abide the taste of livestock. So every once in a while he'd go out and gorge himself on human blood. I kept his secrets cleaned up the mess. But he's the one who crept room to room, dispatching everyone who close to your heart. But when he got to you he just couldn't bear the thought of draining you dry. You, who reminded him so much of his precious Sonja. The daughter he condemned to death.

Selene: Lies.


Lucian: We were slaves once. The daylight guardians of the vampires. I was born into servitude. Yet I harbored them no ill will. Even took a vampire for my bride. It was forbidden, our union. Viktor feared a blending of the species. Feared it so much he killed her. His own daughter. Burnt alive for loving me. This is his war. Viktor's. And he spent the last 600 years exterminating my species.


Selene: JUMP!

Michael Corvin: Are you F#cking Kidding me!?!

Underworld xD
13 years

Movie quotes xd

sinatrablue wrote:
"So, my little Amélie... you don't have bones of glass. You can take life's knocks. If you let this chance pass, eventually, your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton. So, go get him, for Peter's sake!"

I didn't realise until now how much I miss that film...
13 years

Movie quotes xd

Flotsam & Jetsam: Poor child. Poor, sweet child. She has a very serious problem. If only there was something we could do. But there is something.
Ariel: Who-who are you?
Flotsam & Jetsam: Don't be scared. We represent someone who can help you. Someone who can make all your dreams come true. Just imagine... You and your Prince... together... forever.
Ariel: I don't understand.
Flotsam & Jetsam: Ursula has great powers.
Ariel: The sea witch? Why, that's-I couldn't possibly-no! Get out of here! Leave me alone!
Flotsam & Jetsam: Suit yourself. It was only a suggestion.
[Jetsam flicks the broken statue's face towards Ariel]
Ariel: [looking at the face] Wait.
Flotsam & Jetsam: Yeeeeeeeeess?


Ursula: Come in, come in, my child. We mustn't lurk in doorways, it's rude. One might question your upbringing.


Ursula: I'm not asking much, just a token merely a trifle...You'll never even miss it. What I want from you is, Your Voice.

Ariel: But, without my voice how will I..?

Ursula: You've got your looks, your pretty face. And don't underestimate the importance of, Body Language, Hah!


Ursula: Beluga sevruga
Come winds of the Caspian Sea
Larengix glaucitis
Et max laryngitis
La voce to me...Now, Sing.


Hades: You hear that, that's the sound of your freedom fluttering out the window.


Aladin: What are you doing??

Jafar: *crotchety old man voice* Giving you your reward!! *Actual voice* Your eternal reward.


Once upon a time, in a far away land. A young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.

But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle, and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.

Repulsed by her haggard appearance the prince sneered at the gift, and turned the old woman away. But she warned him, not to be deceived by appearances. For beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful Enchantress.

The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. And as punishment she transformed him into a hideous beast. And placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there.

Ashamed of his monstrous form the Beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.

The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose which would bloom until his 21st year. If he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return, by the time the last petal fell; then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.

As the years paszed, he fell into despair. And lost all hope, for who could ever learn to love a Beast?


Can you tell I like Disney movies?
Little Mermaid, Hercules, Aladin, Beauty and the Beast.
13 years
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