
Harry potter?

WitchyMcFottykins wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
Dumbledore knew where to find the cave because when he first met Tom Riddle face to face it had been revealed to him that the boy had tormented two other children inside the cave. Or, if you're looking for how he actually found the entrance; he "sensed" the residual magic that Voldemort used to conceal the doorway.

Now, my question.

What apparently was Kreacher the House-Elf's most treasured Black family heirloom, other than the portrait of Madam Black?

The locket of Salazar Slytherin which was given to him by Regulus Black, thye one he considered his master and was fiercely loyal to even after his death

In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, whose parents wanted to remove their children from Hogwarts?

While technically correct, Witchy, I was actually looking for the portrate of Bellatrix Lestrange. It was found by Hermione in his "nesting area" in the middle of something resembling a make-shift shrine.

And Lupinz, as for your question.

I believe that would be Andromeda Tonks, she was removed from the family tree for marrying Theodore Tonks who is a muggle-born.
12 years
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