
How does a fat fetish develop?

Gonna take a stab at this topic.

Thinking from an evolutionary standpoint, it might be something left over from a primitive time. With reproduction in the past, males were selecting partners that looked fit to continue their genetic line. Visually, a curvy woman might look better adapted for delivering a child than a woman who appeared as skin & bones. I'd have to assume visual cues that are hardwired into the male brain might explain why men are attracted to different aspects of a woman. As for a woman, it might just be an evolutionary cue as well, trying to signal a mate by looking well suited for childbearing.

So in the case of fat fetishism, it might just be this one cue that has grown and developed due to love concepts. Or as you develop a love style, a FA explores their fat fetish in context and finds the level of the fetish.
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

alabaster25 wrote:
Gonna take a stab at this topic.

Thinking from an evolutionary standpoint, it might be something left over from a primitive time. With reproduction in the past, males were selecting partners that looked fit to continue their genetic line. Visually, a curvy woman might look better adapted for delivering a child than a woman who appeared as skin & bones.

I'm with you in this one. And the artifacts prove it as well:

The Venus of Willendorf, discovered in Austria, is believed to have been made between 22,000 and 25,000BC

Such a 'curvy' mother of your children, back in those times, probably gave an impression of somebody who's actually being able to survive periods of hunger, cold etc. The one that has 'the fat reserves' (applying both on male and female). And the preference for curvy nowadays, may as well be the genetic leftover of those ancient times.

I'll go even further: if you go hand in hand with Charles Darwin, it would be more natural and logic to long for curvy partner, rather than for skinny one. That in fact is not so, is a peer pressure flowing out of social 'deviations' of today, as eatingwelsh has already explained above.

my 5 cents
12 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

I don't remember a time when I didn't have the attraction
12 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

I think Onigumo and Eatingwelsh nailed it on the head. I think it's a combination of genetic and epigenetic factors that cause a psychological dispostion. Although I have no doubt that changes during different developmental stages of life influence it as well. Both my Mom and Grandma were big women, and they were very loving and caring, even if not perfect. During high school I also had a lot of friends of both genders who were big soo that probably printed itself on my subconscious as well.
12 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

i have no idea where mine came from - although i can randomly remember liking the fact i loved having big boobs at high school! (and then they were tiny in comparison to now lol!)

but the biggest thing for me was going through my 2 pregnancies - i loved the changes in my body, how soft my belly was afterwards and how my boobs had grown loads - and i never really made much effort to lose the baby weight.

then - i discovered a girl on youtube that i fell in love with - and i had no idea why - until after a few months i noticed she had gained loads of weight - and then that really set in stone my whole attitude of 'fat' haha!

i had never heard of the term 'feedee' until i discovered this site, but that is what i am smiley

from a science point of view, there is no real explanation i dont think - but i know the world is a better place for everyone being different and individual. All it needs is for everyone to realise that being different from someone else can be a positive thing smiley
12 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

Some very interesting ideas floating around!

I have very recently come around to the idea of liking larger women, it was never something that I loved from chilhood or had an interest in though.

I had never really taken an interest in chubby girls, my 'type' was always the slim and atheltic build that I was surrounded by at school and college. I could admire a beautiful face on the larger girls but didn't get the same attraction to them that I do now.

It was actually in my first year in university that I watched my girlfriend at the time bloat up while living at halls. The gain was very rapid and at first it put me off I'm sad to say.

But as she became thicker and more womanly I just fell in love with it, the soft and roundness of her became appealing almost overnight.

I guess my fetish developed through experience, prefering one thing to another. From what I have read I seem to be the odd one out but I guess it shows that there are several ways a fetish can come about!
12 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

pleb wrote:
Some very interesting ideas floating around!

I have very recently come around to the idea of liking larger women, it was never something that I loved from chilhood or had an interest in though.

I had never really taken an interest in chubby girls, my 'type' was always the slim and atheltic build that I was surrounded by at school and college. I could admire a beautiful face on the larger girls but didn't get the same attraction to them that I do now.

It was actually in my first year in university that I watched my girlfriend at the time bloat up while living at halls. The gain was very rapid and at first it put me off I'm sad to say.

But as she became thicker and more womanly I just fell in love with it, the soft and roundness of her became appealing almost overnight.

I guess my fetish developed through experience, prefering one thing to another. From what I have read I seem to be the odd one out but I guess it shows that there are several ways a fetish can come about!
This post tends to help my theory that so many more people have this preference in them than may seem obvious at first glance, or that they may realise is in themselves. Even the fetish of wanted to see someone gain weight may well be more common should people let their real desires be fulfilled.

It seems that we all come to the realisation of our preferences at different times in our lives. Hard to know why this is the case, but it seems more than likely that those that come to realise their preference later had their preferences subdued in some way. The media and what is generally perceived as attractive by society's norms playing a big part. Basically what is considered being rational eclipsing our lustful desires.
12 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

gary1627 wrote:This post tends to help my theory that so many more people have this preference in them than may seem obvious at first glance, or that they may realise is in themselves. Even the fetish of wanted to see someone gain weight may well be more common should people let their real desires be fulfilled.

It seems that we all come to the realisation of our preferences at different times in our lives. Hard to know why this is the case, but it seems more than likely that those that come to realise their preference later had their preferences subdued in some way. The media and what is generally perceived as attractive by society's norms playing a big part. Basically what is considered being rational eclipsing our lustful desires.

I agree with you.

A year ago someone could have told me about this and I don't think I would have shown the least bit of interest in it. This doesn't mean that it wasn't hidden in there all along.

All I needed was a trigger, which for me was experiencing the weight gain of my partner first hand. Now I have less interest in my old type and like more voluptuous women.

Once you go fat, there really is no going back!
12 years
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