
How big do you wanna be?

If I could do it in a healthy way, I would love to eat my way up to 400 lbs. by gaining another 100. However, I know my body would not take that much weight comfortably and my knees would not be able to handle it, so I will just have to be content being a 300 lb. fat guy. Sigh!
9 years

How big do you wanna be?

The goal keeps expanding with my waistline!

I used to think 250 lbs but now I'm hoping for 300 lbs with at least 25 lbs of that this year by Christmas then the next 25 early in the new year of 2016..

Perhaps at 300 I might aim higher or scale back a little, wait and see but I definitely want to try 300 lbs to say I've done it and to feel proper big and fat as I think 300 is in that category...
9 years

How big do you wanna be?

I want my belly to hang. Unfortunately, I'm packing only maybe half of the fat into the belly, so it'll take some time. I guess I'll take another look at myself at 140kg and go from there.
9 years

How big do you wanna be?

While i bought a scale about 18 months ago, I rely much more on a measuring tape.

I don't have a real weight goal, although the guys I see online whose bodies I admire are just over 300 lbs, maybe 40 lbs heavier than me. My belly is about 51" around now and I like the idea of being able to say I am four-and-a-half feet around (three inches from now).
9 years
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