
So who is actually gaining weight here?

I went for my drivers license renewal and the lady looked me up and down and said she said, "So do you still weigh 125lb?" I think it's obvious I don't. I'm at 168 now. So yes, I'm gaining. In fact I'm almost painfully stuffed right now.
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

Gained 70lbs intentionally over two years since joining this site.Then stopped and levelled off maitaining my gain..partly financial reasons and partly just for a natural break.Just (one week ago)started to gain again..already 3lbs heaviersmiley
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

PinkyDear wrote:
I started out just putting on weight because I love food, but then started to see if I could put on even more. I've been trying to level off my gains, but I'm still addicted to food.

If you truly wish to slow down the gain-I am 100% behind you. You have been so astounding these last three months with a 60 lb gain.If you level off now and slow down-it will still be an unforgettable time.smiley

And if you keep going at this rate for another month or two before you get it slowed down-well you won't get any complaints around here I think!lol smiley
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

Fluffy, you look great. Your nice stretch marks show you are gaining nicely.
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

I'm sort of gaining again. I had been gaining for a long time previously, then had a health scare *which I now believe to be a misdiagnosis...* and went on a diet for almost a year, and now I'm taking a break from that diet. Been off of it for two weeks and I already feel like I've gained a good amount back.

It's going to be hard to go back on the diet...if I go back on the diet...
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

OniGumo wrote:
I'm sort of gaining again. I had been gaining for a long time previously, then had a health scare *which I now believe to be a misdiagnosis...* and went on a diet for almost a year, and now I'm taking a break from that diet. Been off of it for two weeks and I already feel like I've gained a good amount back.

It's going to be hard to go back on the diet...if I go back on the diet...

Still in gaining mode, but not sure how well it will go since I won't have a meal-plan for the summer and currently seem to be haveing problems securing gainful employment. But anyways, I've put on almost 40lbs since telling the diet to bugger off.
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

PinkyDear wrote:
I've hit the 300 mark now so I probably won't gain much more.

Your gain to over 300 has been sublime Pinkydear. I know you formerly wanted more. If this is close to the end. Well Thank You. And if not. Thank You for whatever the future holds. smiley
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

I am definetly gaining, I used to be 60 kilos and now im almost 95 kilos hahaha and loving it smiley
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

PaulUK wrote:
I've got up to 20st.. I will continue gaining as long as I remain happy with the rresults. So far I'm over the moon with my results!

Can we see?
13 years
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