
Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

Sometimes minimal effort returns the greatest reward!
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

So I got a message today from a 20-year old male (I'm 42) which was straight to the point, just two words:

"Cup size??"

Now if a 20-year old lad came up to me in a bar or club and said that, I'd pretty much consider slapping him, or maybe if I were being kind, telling him to f*ck right off. What is it about the internet that makes people think that's an acceptable opening line?!

(BTW I'm not saying he owes me anything for being twice his age, I'm just saying... inappropriate!! and... weird).
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

foxglove wrote:
So I got a message today from a 20-year old male (I'm 42) which was straight to the point, just two words:

"Cup size??"

Now if a 20-year old lad came up to me in a bar or club and said that, I'd pretty much consider slapping him, or maybe if I were being kind, telling him to f*ck right off. What is it about the internet that makes people think that's an acceptable opening line?!

(BTW I'm not saying he owes me anything for being twice his age, I'm just saying... inappropriate!! and... weird).

Some other people have received that exact same PM. So original and thoughtful of him. smiley
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

Saphiel Sir wrote:
foxglove wrote:
So I got a message today from a 20-year old male (I'm 42) which was straight to the point, just two words:

"Cup size??"

Now if a 20-year old lad came up to me in a bar or club and said that, I'd pretty much consider slapping him, or maybe if I were being kind, telling him to f*ck right off. What is it about the internet that makes people think that's an acceptable opening line?!

(BTW I'm not saying he owes me anything for being twice his age, I'm just saying... inappropriate!! and... weird).

Some other people have received that exact same PM. So original and thoughtful of him. smiley

Ha, ok, so not only does he leave out any niceties like, "Oh hi, I like your picture so I was wondering, what cup size do you take?" - or even a basic sentence structure like "What cup size are you?" but he fires the same message out, scattergun-style, to loads of people? Awesome! Bwahaha I wish him luck! If you ever hear of him getting a (positive) response from anyone, be sure to let me know as I'd want to poke that lady with sticks to check she wasn't a bot.
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

*takes notes* Keep going people, these are gold smiley
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

I remember that happening! ^^^
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

lc2 wrote:
- how many inches does your belly weigh?

What? Seriously, what?
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

I once had a woman demand I jog on cam for her, first or second thing she ever said to me. When I declined her, having just got back from class (walked the entire length of the University campus, from the building that's furthest from where I was staying) she said, "Well you can just die then."
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

pizza222 wrote:
I was teasing you for being chubby.
I am really sorry if it made you angry or shoked because I did not want to hurt you.

I apologize sincerely and I promice I will not make any referençe to you anymore

Not everyone is into being teased; I'd say that most people aren't. If you're going into conversations assuming that the person you're talking to wants to be teased, you're going to encounter a lot of negative responses to your attempts at chatting.
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

fairy wrote:
"Can I have you?"

you never did answer smiley
10 years
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