Fat experiences

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

I hadn't been to a family holiday in a couple years and had gained about 40 lbs since the last time they had seen me, granted I had already starting to gain and no one was commenting. The first comment my Aunt made was "somebody needs to push themselves away from the table!" While simultaneously slapping my belly. It would have been fine if it stopped there, we had a laugh and moved on, but then others brought attention to it the rest of the evening.
2 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

Don't know if this was the first ever, but the first one I remember, I was still fairly small even by typical standards, much less feederism standards.

I was about 150 lbs at the time (hardly big by any definition), but for some reason I thought wearing an M-sized shirt that day was a good idea. Someone then joked that perhaps I've been enjoying too much fast food, then he lightly poked me in the gut. I took that as a sign that I best not wear that shirt out in public anymore, but it was nice to get some acknowledgement of my weight gain. I just let it go after that, and no one went on about it, and I didn't make any excuse for it.

It's true though, that the shirt was way too snug and tight, and would barely button. I still have that shirt though, in spite of gaining an additional 20 lbs since then and it's way, way too snug for public use now. But I digress.
2 years
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