
I think i’m turning gay?!


Nobody "turns gay" if you are not attracted to someone sexually then you are not sexually attracted and that doesn't change without some reason..

i agree 100% with you... smiley
5 years

I think i’m turning gay?!


Okay first of all, OY. This is so problematic. You can't just invalidate people's sexual identity because they choose to put a label on it. Sure, not every one needs one but that doesn't negate the integrity of those labels for those who identify with them. The LGBTQ+ community has fought for decades just to have the right to use those labels and wear them proudly. While you may not see the use of them, they are still 100% valid. Sexuality is an integral part to identity because it's inherently not something you choose, it's simply who you are. Sexuality is a spectrum and while those labels may seem limiting to you, they allow people to trule accept themselves and their path in discovering where they fit on that spectrum.

No one cares. This is s fetish site. Get over yourself lol. Everyone is so wise and tough online. Pathetic.

Dude chill out and let people do their thing.
5 years

I think i’m turning gay?!


Okay first of all, OY. This is so problematic. You can't just invalidate people's sexual identity because they choose to put a label on it. Sure, not every one needs one but that doesn't negate the integrity of those labels for those who identify with them. The LGBTQ+ community has fought for decades just to have the right to use those labels and wear them proudly. While you may not see the use of them, they are still 100% valid. Sexuality is an integral part to identity because it's inherently not something you choose, it's simply who you are. Sexuality is a spectrum and while those labels may seem limiting to you, they allow people to trule accept themselves and their path in discovering where they fit on that spectrum.

👏👏 This needed to be said
4 years

I think i’m turning gay?!

Truth is, some of us have a ego and we go where we can find "attention" for things that we like; a part of wants to always go where we are accepted. I have always seen myself as a fat man and got plenty of attention before I became obese years ago. I had to own that I put myself into a position in which in some Westernized countries, fat is seen as obscene but in my community it was different. I met an older female who showed me that in places like Louisiana and Texas here in the states; in my community it was seen that a female is taking care of her man if his guts hangs. Some of us don't get the attention we want from the opposite sex so we try to get in where we fit in. For me, I like women and I will be single and own it until I find a female who appreciates my flabbiness....
4 years
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