
How much do you want to gain?

I like the idea of someone else making that choice for me.
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

Right now my main goal is to weigh more than my wife, she’s around 323 lbs and I’m about 226 lbs so I’ve got some work to do! I’m thinking number wise I’d like to be 330 lbs., however if I end up being bigger than that I wouldn’t mind.
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

I would go for 500 pounds when I find some one obese
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

I would love to weigh around 360lbs. I started at 120 and now I weigh about 130. Long ways to go! Would love to be someone's live in feedee too!
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

I don’t have a specific goal, gaining is very difficult for me since I don’t like most foods and have a poor appetite, so I just try to force myself to eat as much as I can. I think I might be happy with my weight if I get to 200 but that is a faraway goal for me right now. Currently it’s a struggle just to maintain my weight and not lose any.
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

I’m 5’6” and 215 now, I was 245 but I unintentionally lost (just more activity and eating less). I’d like to get back up to 245, and eventually my original goal of 260-270. Gaining 45-55 lbs seems daunting but damn I want to get fat.
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

I’m currently hovering around 220lbs with a goal weight of 250lbs. My highest weight while actively gaining was 234lbs or so until I stopped. Got back down to about 207lbs before I dived back into gaining again.
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

I'd like to get up to 300lbs. Then after my body adjusts to all of that lucious fat, work my way to 350 and top out at 400. However, since I'm also a feeder, ensuring I can maintain stamina and mobility to take of my piggys may keep me closer to 350.
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

Honestly it is up to who I am with. But my personal goal is 600lbs. I just want to lay on a bed and eat and have someone sit on top of me and feed me!
3 years

How much do you want to gain?

i think 370-380 is where i'll stop. i'm already over 350 so not too far off, and i think bigger than that for me will mean some things will start getting hard for me to do on my own.
2 years
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