Extreme obesity

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I wanna get so big I can’t fit through a door anymore!

I have this dream too. Particularly my butt getting stuck and a guy pushing me through (likely by thrusting of course).

I have a huge stuck fetish had this dream too lol

I always get horny about the idea of getting stuck and being force fed out of the door frame.

Me too. Love getting stuck in door frames. Busting furniture is another one for me.
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

Of course this is only fantasy:: And since I'm short this seems uncomfortably possible. Mine is to look very round as emphasized by my stature. Unfortunately it wouldn't take but about 30 to 50 more pounds to get there.
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I'd say about about 3000 pounds. Double what I assume is humany possible.
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

That is hot 🔥
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I wanna get so big I can’t fit through a door anymore!

That's the dream
2 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

Fattening my feedee so much that they can't squeeze their fat belly behind the wheel of a car smiley
2 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

Yes please!
2 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I'd love to be about 3,000-4,000 lbs, immobile, just to sit on my super massive bum all day, and gorge....... Lots if ice cream, burgers, Chinese food and chicken
2 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

For me? 800 pounds. Just thinking about how big my belly would be at that weight. 😊
2 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I have frequently, frequently fantasized about the 'logistics' of having a body way beyond anything 'normally' human. Like, being called a whale and having that be accurate is absurdly hot.

Most of them tend to be pretty poorly written, but I've always had a soft spot for the 'feedee the size of a city' genre of wg stories.

The idea of being so massively fat that I would need like, bureaucracy and logistical planning to care for my body is stupid hot.

kind of a giantess fantasy
2 years
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