Fat experiences

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin


I told her after 8 mdn of our relationship. (when she noticed she was getting fatter) that I like fat and yet also am a feeder, love the feederism ..
she thought it was strange (and yes, certainly in the Netherlands it is not accepted and considered not good) I showed her pictures what I like. feederism explained, feeder explained ... show forums. but she really has nothing to do with it ...
I have my dream weight for her. and told her that too. so she knows everything

Sorry if I’m being too curious but did it changed something between you guys?
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

It must be really exciting to see her body going from fit and skinny to chubby and untoned! I really enjoy reading how you describe her changing. It’s also nice to hear that she feels more confortable with eating. Is she now gaining on purpose since she keeps track of her weight? Let’s hope she will continue during holidays, enjoy! smiley

It is exciting and I love every inch of it. I don't know to be honest but I don't think so. She's just been porking out during the quarantine and had put on a lot of weight. She did put a bit of weight since we're together but not as much as during the last months.
At some point, I started thinking that to some of my friends I am the guy dating the chubby girl but I like it smiley She used to be the thinest girl from my group of friend but now she's probably already the fattest.
And as I said do not hesitate guys to ask me questions, I'm an open person and love to talk about all that stuff.
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin


I told her after 8 mdn of our relationship. (when she noticed she was getting fatter) that I like fat and yet also am a feeder, love the feederism ..
she thought it was strange (and yes, certainly in the Netherlands it is not accepted and considered not good) I showed her pictures what I like. feederism explained, feeder explained ... show forums. but she really has nothing to do with it ...
I have my dream weight for her. and told her that too. so she knows everything

Sorry if I’m being too curious but did it changed something between you guys?

does not matter! yes has changed a bit .. she is occasionally insecure when I see a fat woman. and she started to eat a lot more, and doesn't see that she's getting fatter (also because I always compliment her) unfortunately we don't share this passion, but she knows it exists
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin


does not matter! yes has changed a bit .. she is occasionally insecure when I see a fat woman. and she started to eat a lot more, and doesn't see that she's getting fatter (also because I always compliment her) unfortunately we don't share this passion, but she knows it exists

At least she knows and that's important for a healthy relationship. Keep telling her and especially showing her you like her bigger and I'm sure at some point she'll like it too.
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin


does not matter! yes has changed a bit .. she is occasionally insecure when I see a fat woman. and she started to eat a lot more, and doesn't see that she's getting fatter (also because I always compliment her) unfortunately we don't share this passion, but she knows it exists

At least she knows and that's important for a healthy relationship. Keep telling her and especially showing her you like her bigger and I'm sure at some point she'll like it too.

yes that's why I said it. had quite a lot of relationships that passed because I wasn't honest..
but she will never reach my dream weight for her. i must be happy now lol! and sometimes I whisper the dream weight in her ears ....
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

It must be really exciting to see her body going from fit and skinny to chubby and untoned! I really enjoy reading how you describe her changing. It’s also nice to hear that she feels more confortable with eating. Is she now gaining on purpose since she keeps track of her weight? Let’s hope she will continue during holidays, enjoy! smiley

It is exciting and I love every inch of it. I don't know to be honest but I don't think so. She's just been porking out during the quarantine and had put on a lot of weight. She did put a bit of weight since we're together but not as much as during the last months.
At some point, I started thinking that to some of my friends I am the guy dating the chubby girl but I like it smiley She used to be the thinest girl from my group of friend but now she's probably already the fattest.
And as I said do not hesitate guys to ask me questions, I'm an open person and love to talk about all that stuff.

just happens to be my story .. 😍 my girlfriend was also the slimmest and now not at all! now she is fatter than her friend who was "fat" .. so beautiful and lovely to see !!
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin


yes that's why I said it. had quite a lot of relationships that passed because I wasn't honest..
but she will never reach my dream weight for her. i must be happy now lol! and sometimes I whisper the dream weight in her ears ....

That sounds kind of romantic man! I wish you and your girl the best and hopes one day your dream will come true smiley
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

Update after 10 days or so :

Hello Guys, I've noticed some changes to my GF's weight and habits for the past 10 days so I decided to update a bit. First of all, she just can't stop snacking : sweets, chocolates, desserts everyday. She's clearly letting herself go and stopped carring about what she eats. Although she sometimes says "I should eat healthier" or "I should care more about what I eat" she does not really watch it. She put on another 5lbs and is now 183lbs big. She's been eating like a pig during christmas and it continued after XD.

The other day she said "I feel so fat now, my belly looks bigger and jigglier. I've been eating too much during the holidays." I reassured her and said she looks sexy and that I'd love to see her get even bigger. On the other hand she also says she's often tempted by junk food so smiley

Her thighs are becoming really big now and they jiggle so much when she walks, same for her ass. Her butt is becoming wider and you can see big love handels on the sides. Her belly is starting to point a bit, like you can see she's not flat anymore but a bit of her fat is pointing out and is looking soft. At that point, sex feels great because you can see everything jiggle and she started to have a tiny double chin, not visible everytime but sometimes. Her face got fuller. Her clothes looks tighter too and she ripped a tiny hole in one of her tight fit shirt the other day.
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

Sounds very good!
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

Keep her happy, keep her plump.
3 years
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