
How long have you been on ff

I joined 13 yrs ago. I remember when there was a map and would show you members in your area, of course the map didn't show you were the members actually lived.

My weight has gone up and down.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

Been here on and off for 9 years and +64 lbs. Had to change accounts due to a few stalkers.

But love many stories.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

Since 2007ish. Was previously jacomp. Came off after an ex didn't approve.

What's bugging me is that I can't remember how I found this place.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I've been a member for 5 years but lurked for years before that. I almost never chat and I only post rarely, but I check in more often than that. I don't have a favorite memory, but I enjoy seeing the waves of interest, even if it is frustrating at times when there are a lot of new people asking all the new people questions without looking to see if someone already asked that question. Not to be negative about new members, as I do enjoy the enthusiasm, but I am more interested in how this journey changes and grows with us. Too many people may be done actively gaining, feeding, stuffing, or encouraging don't share enough about how they navigate a sustainable fulfilling fat loving life.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I originally joined in 2008. I have come on and off a few times!
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I’ve been here for 11 years now. I’ve had this same account for all this time too! I’m definitely fatter than I was when I first joined. xD
3 years

How long have you been on ff

In total probably 13 years
3 years

How long have you been on ff

Since 2006. October 2nd, to be exact.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I keep coming back
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I've been sorta on here for about 2-3 years, but it was really only this past year that I became an active user.
3 years
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