The real problem is people having conflicting expectations about what this website is for.
If you go to the front page of FantasyFeeder and scroll to the bottom you'll find that the website promotes itself as "Indulge your fat fantasies", "BBW dating" (apparently BHM don't exist...), and "Plus-size social". Or in simpler terms: fetish, romance, and friendship.
I think the OP of this thread likely falls in to the "romance" category, and was (if you're capable of empathy) understandably frustrated when he finally realised that the majority of FantasyFeeder users are only interested in the "Fantasy" aspect, who indeed "only come here to masturbate", who would never actually date an obese person in real life because of the social stigma, and his dreams of romance are likely to go unfulfilled.
While the OP could have been more tactful instead of posting a rant, I don't think he's wrong in a lot of what he said because it's also been my experience with FantasyFeeder. Most of the FFAs I've chatted to aren't interested in getting to know the human being, and just want a caricature of a fat person who will tell them that they've already eaten four cakes today and can't wait to eat a fifth, so they can use it as masturbation fodder.
And you know what? That's fine! It's their fetish, and their fetish is why this website exists. But it's not the only reason this website exists (according to it's own marketing), and both groups need to accept that the other has just as much right to be here as they do.
Tbh, if his issue was just "I'm frustrated because I want an Ffa/feeder girlfriend and every women I've talked to has made me feel like a piece of meet," no one would have cared. I believe most people would have been kind to him.
No, the issue is that he went into incel territory, and got dogpiled for it.