
Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

Some people who are gaining say they have a "goal weight" which they plan to reach and then presumably stop gaining.

A quibble: If you plan to stop at a certain weight I'd call that a limit. A goal is your minimum target weight, a limit is your maximum target weight.

Of course your goal could be your limit as well, but not necessarily. In fact if you want a goal AND a limit, I'd suggest the goal weight be smaller. That way you don't have to stop on a dime.

For example, if your goal weight is 200 pounds, your limit should be at least 220 pounds. Make sure you don't gain past your limit...that's likely to undermine your confidence. However, there is a loophole: if your limit is 220 pounds and you find yourself going past 215 and have no inclination to cut back on the milkshakes, INCREASE your limit before you get there.

You shouldn't go past your limit, but you can increase it as many times as you want.
2 months
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