
What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I love the idea of these being ‘villain origin stories’. When this fascination truly has me in its grips, I do feel like a villain. Someone described himself as ‘wolfman’. When the fat full moon comes out, we all start howling. I think we all feel a little surprised by ourselves.
My story is kinda long. The tl/dr would be that I’m certain it started in preschool with padding.

I have a clear memory of being in the backseat of my parents station wagon at the drive in. A double feature of Gremlins and Top Gun. I think I was 6? Maybe 7. Depends on if the Drive In was showing first or second run movies. I was laying in the backseat and thinking ‘what if my belly was big enough to fill the foot well of the backseat’. So I shoved a blanket up my shirt and instantly remembered in preschool I used to do this during nap time. (And it aroused me, it wasn’t just for fun and I knew I needed to hide it. At 4.). It was not the last time I’d use padding to get off. By the time I was seven I was already over 100lbs. Imagining myself getting bigger was just my reality.

The following year I met Amber. We were in third grade and we loved playing house. I was always ‘the wife’ and she had these overalls that barely barely fit me. I was gaining weight even faster from insecurity at home (I was eating in secret and hiding food as my parents started dragging me to alanon and therapy type things) and probably had the biggest belly of any 3rd grader you’ve seen. I would put on those overalls and my husband (Amber) would rub my belly and talk about how excited she was to meet the baby. And then we’d kiss (not make out kissing, just a peck). And I was fucking done for. (So maybe also origin story of my bisexuality. )

I’ve always loved my belly and getting fatter. Ive always been attracted to other fat bodies. I’ve always known I should be ashamed of that. I’d like to grow out of that mindset but it’s difficult when we’re told that fat people are gross and not actual people and are just a burden. I come from a very long line of big bellied badass women. Why should I feel shame in my connection to my ancestors and thinking they were gorgeous (and that I am as well?)
1 month

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

My origins were likely related to cartoons and when they'd show them having overeaten with huge bellies. I was probably 8 or so at the time. I would even bloat with soda and water after that.
1 month

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

My origin story has different parts… Well, I used to stuff my pants and walk around and stick my belly out and I thought that was fun. And I always liked it when my belly was full when I was a kid. I’ve also tend to hang out with the “bigger” kids. When I was nine This friend and I would play “house” I didn’t know at the time, but she was totally feeling me up, making out with me. The first girl I ever did anything with. But she would also kiss my stomach, and I like that a lot. Then watching Episodes of certain TV shows where the character gets fat always fascinated me
2 weeks

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

Eerily similar to what has already been said, I remember being at school maybe 6/7 years old and being fascinated by girls belly poking out under her dress.
Shit has always been there.
2 weeks

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I always love telling mine and my wife’s gaining story — always love seeing these “origin story” threads :-)

My first memory of encountering fat was a regained memory told to me years after the fact by my mother. I would play with the arm fat of any female relative when I was a toddler and was being held. I’m told my grandmother slapped me one time for doing it.

In young adulthood, I felt the attraction to chubby girls starting in middle school and on into high school. I didn’t have a girlfriend until I was out of high school (wasn’t ever part of the clique, as they say), but nothing turned me on like a pair of chubby cheeks, chubby upper arms or big thighs. Chubby bare feet still turn me on as well :-)

My first steady girlfriend wasn’t all that fat to start out with, but over five years we ate well enough to fill out the both of us. Her arms and belly puffed out mightily; probably gained at least 50 pounds being with me.

Another five-year relationship followed when I moved to another state. She was already heavy, about 5-6 and anywhere between 220 and 270 over the course of that time. She was insecure about it and, along with being bipolar and in denial about it, never really relaxed and enjoyed her own existence, much less her luscious figure.

I met my wife 10 years ago now, at a concert. Mutual friend of ours made sure we were both there. The friend figured we both needed to stumble upon each other after going through such rough previous relationships. I can still remember the first time I saw her short, 5-3 figure walking upon the rest of our friend group to meet up. A black blouse cut low to emphasize what I would eventually find out were 46 DDD breasts. Cute, chubby face and such a soft touch with everything. I was smitten, though it was another year before we started dating officially.

I was slowly but steadily getting a big ol’ ball belly during these years. A big, hard visceral fat basketball belly! She sure hasn’t minded, being a big girl herself for so long now. She was actually a tiny teen, just with out-of-proportion breasts for what was then her figure. I just recently saw pics of her at 13 that I hadn’t seen before. It’s truly amazing how petite and skinny she was before puberty and the rest of her teen years.

She had her first child barely out of high school and, according to her accounts, gained between 80 and 100 pounds between the pregnancy and health-related issues with certain meds’ effects on her. Three years later, she had the depo shot for birth control and got pregnant (and fatter) anyway with her second child. Wish I’d have known her then so I could have witnessed her waistline explode and her belly grow from being barely there to being so huge and sexy that she stopped wearing underwear at a certain point. Her butt also grew into a full-fledged “buttshelf” during that time. This is as good a point in the story as any to mention her bra band size was only in the low 30s entering her 20s. So that’s more than 12 inches gained just in her middle since then :-)

We had our first child together three years ago now. She was already just at 300 pounds, so she didn’t have to gain but maybe 20 during the pregnancy. Today, she’s a proud 340 pounds with a spirit that’s just as soft and tender as her skin :-) We’d have each other no other way but fat and happy :-)
2 weeks

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

It was the stories on this website. Been coming here for over 12 years. My favourite was Deal With The Enemy
1 week

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I never thought of food to be sexual until earlier this year. You always have stuff you do when no one is watching and I guess I just really enjoyed the pizza I was eating because I started grinding back and forth in my chair. The slight nudge against my wet spot felt good especially combined with the motion of me shoving more of the pizza into my mouth. Feeling myself struggle to do both at the same time was the best. Feeling my own desperation grow as I couldn’t decide between eating more pizza and rubbing myself faster, naturally I ached for both.
1 week

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

It's interesting to hear others have such similar experiences. It was a part of me since I was 4 or so, I distinctly remember weight gain in cartoons exciting me. I can't think of any external factors that could have caused it, either.

Yeah, this is probably the closest thing for me too.
1 week

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

Not a short story. I also stuffed teddy bears and pillows under my shirt. Garfield, Templeton, Daffy Duck, and others surely prompted this. I remember sneaking muffins once trying to gain weight but I was always a super skinny kid except for an awkward time in seventh grade.

I remember using the internet for its intended purpose and finding the OG Stuffed Online and Dimensions Magazine. Weight Gain stories became a formative part of my burgeoning sexuality.

I dated mostly chubby girls in middle school and high school and college. I remember getting to college and deciding it was time to indulge… but I half assed it. I gained weight, but not a ton.

I was injured when I was 18 and as a paraplegic my belly softened which I loved. But was still SUPER skinny for a while.

I started eating in secret and going out of my way to go to buffets where I wouldn’t run into anyone or go on fast food binges. I met my wife who is overweight and she found me too skinny so I fattened up well once I turned 30 and my metabolism slowed down. My wife does not share this fetish and desperately wants to lose weight, which I support. But she never pressures me to lose weight.
1 week

What brought about your fat fetish and when?

I think I have had a fat preference (for myself and others) as long as I can remember. I’ve always been at least chubby and I have always enjoyed eating. I remember admiring and being in awe of fat adults or older kids as young as four or five. I always imagined how much they would have to eat to get that fat and then I would be inspired to eat as much as possible to get that fat too. I really liked cartoons where characters would “blow up” and get comically fat from eating a huge meal. One of my favorites as a preteen was Garfield.
1 week
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