Lifestyle tips

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

English Feeder:
Viewing my partner over a period of time and weight gain. I would say staying as physically active as possible you can retain good mobility and health. But eventually size, weight, age and wear and tear of carrying excess weight will eventually take its toll. That is my experience of how much she has changed over a period of time. I remember her being able to walk miles.
But now she can barely stand and can only take a few steps. She uses a wheelchair now. Immobility is likely very soon.

How big is she, if you don't mind my asking?

English Feeder:
She has been very ill in hospital so has lost weight. She is probably around 475 at 5'2" and in her late 60's

That sucks. I'm sorry to hear she's so ill. Wish her well.

Thanks. She caught Covid, Which turned to pneumonia. Which attacked her organs. Even her vision was effected. We are so grateful to the doctors, nurses and the NHS.
Once home she had nurses visiting throughout the day. Thankfully she is 95% recovered now. She still suffers from fatigue and sleeps more than she used to. But the doctor's expect her to still improve. Just when i thought Covid was no longer a issue. Especially as last year she caught it and was on oxygen for a few days, and made a full recovery. I thought she was safe. How wrong could i have been.
1 month

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Did she get diagnosed with covid in the Hospital or is that the reason she went?
1 month

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

English Feeder:
Viewing my partner over a period of time and weight gain. I would say staying as physically active as possible you can retain good mobility and health. But eventually size, weight, age and wear and tear of carrying excess weight will eventually take its toll. That is my experience of how much she has changed over a period of time. I remember her being able to walk miles.
But now she can barely stand and can only take a few steps. She uses a wheelchair now. Immobility is likely very soon.

How big is she, if you don't mind my asking?

English Feeder:
She has been very ill in hospital so has lost weight. She is probably around 475 at 5'2" and in her late 60's

That sucks. I'm sorry to hear she's so ill. Wish her well.

English Feeder:
Thanks. She caught Covid, Which turned to pneumonia. Which attacked her organs. Even her vision was effected. We are so grateful to the doctors, nurses and the NHS.
Once home she had nurses visiting throughout the day. Thankfully she is 95% recovered now. She still suffers from fatigue and sleeps more than she used to. But the doctor's expect her to still improve. Just when i thought Covid was no longer a issue. Especially as last year she caught it and was on oxygen for a few days, and made a full recovery. I thought she was safe. How wrong could i have been.

Yeah. A lot of people think COVID is over. It isn't. Lockdown is over. COVID is endemic now, like the flu.

The good news is you are less likely to die of COVID now than you were a few years ago. I hope she doesn't have long COVID and makes a full recovery.

At least she has you by her side. Your support will be integral to her recovery.
1 month

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Did she get diagnosed with covid in the Hospital or is that the reason she went?

It's the reason why she ended up in hospital.
1 month

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

Essentially what I'm asking is if it's possible to be like Bob from Tekken

Part of the problem I'm facing is there are activities I like to do and want to get better at like dance and obstacle running, that are making me hesitant about committing to this kink. Right now I'm building muscle anyway, so it feels nice to indulge in it since I have to be in a calorie surplus (just call it a dirty bulk). Only question is whether I'll have to eventually decide to cut when it starts to interfere with my performance too much.

Yes it’s possible. That was literally me for a while. Sleep Apnea runs in my family and if it goes untreated it can cause weight gain. When I was teaching martial arts classes at the YMCA I was 216lbs and I could literally move just like Bob. To be fair, I’ve been a martial artist since I was 3 so the experience and muscle memory was already there.
3 weeks

Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?

have observed that most fatties who have stayed fat for a long time are just as active as smaller people. if ur new to being fat you should try exercising so you can move just as easy as before

my big appetite comes from being active smiley if you want to get big you should exercise. or not im not your mom lol
3 weeks
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