
Prefered weight

I seem to like a smaller scale than most: 170-220.
13 years

Prefered weight

Ikissedagirl wrote:
i have no idea!

I have Ideas about how much I'd love to see you weigh! I'm sure alot of people do!You have such a "Pin-Up " shape that I would love to see how much it would take to make that shape Round! Have a few little pounds found there way to you as an after-effect of your week long project? smiley
13 years

Prefered weight

Over 9000! ...whatever weight will make that shirt rip!
13 years

Prefered weight

Ikissedagirl wrote:
Jazzman wrote:
Ikissedagirl wrote:
i have no idea!

I have Ideas about how much I'd love to see you weigh! I'm sure alot of people do!You have such a "Pin-Up " shape that I would love to see how much it would take to make that shape Round! Have a few little pounds found there way to you as an after-effect of your week long project? smiley

Maybe we should start a forum to see what everyone things, though most people would probably come up with unrealistic numbers, and yes there's a few extra (6) pounds clung to my frame now

In my mind you would still be a cuvy leggy hourglass shape at 250. And it would be a shame to not see you at that weight. The encourager-Fa part of me would still want to see you at 300-can.t lie smiley But you'd still be curvy and shapely. You have a Dreamy body and legs.

Just for clarification 221? or do mean 227? Either way you're terrific!
13 years

Prefered weight

Oops! Fixed my typo. Replace 350 with 250 please. Although you would rock that weight as well. Yeah-I was referring to any "aftershocks" from your big week .That was such a wonderful project.Thanks again.smiley
13 years

Prefered weight

I don't rightly remember if I've posted in this before...and I don't feel like going back through to find out. Sooo, I'mma post anyway!!

Realistically I'd love to be 650lbs-700lbs. Hopefully that weight would give me the huge hanging belly that I've always dreamed about.

For fantasy, harder to say. But generally I like to imagine myself at 850lbs-950lbs. Just thinking about being that huge is awesome to me. Imagining how hard it would be just to go through doors, and getting my huge belly stuck in them. Hearing the floors creak as I lumbered a long and listening to my own labored breath...*eyes go distant for a moment*...hehe, my fantasy
13 years

Prefered weight

Im 235 would like to make it to 250. I have tryed many times and can make it 230 seems to be the weight my body will let me. In my fantasy i would be close to 300 tho. I think that would be a drastic change to my body
13 years

Prefered weight

Im 235 would like to make it to 250. I have tryed many times and can make it 230 seems to be the weight my body will let me. In my fantasy i would be close to 300 tho. I think that would be a drastic change to my body
13 years

Prefered weight

Im 235 would like to make it to 250. I have tryed many times and can make it 230 seems to be the weight my body will let me. In my fantasy i would be close to 300 tho. I think that would be a drastic change to my body
13 years

Prefered weight

Im 235 would like to make it to 250. I have tryed many times and can make it 230 seems to be the weight my body will let me. In my fantasy i would be close to 300 tho. I think that would be a drastic change to my body
13 years
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