Make choices you can stick to and want to stick to. Accept the consequences of your decision. Make it your decision rather than feel like you have no control.
So either you decide to do what you need to do to stop your weight gain and slowly get fitter OR you decide that you love eating more than anything else and you've accepted that the price is compromised health and a shorter life.
People make life and death choices every day, like the man who chooses to become a soldier. That comes with some honour, at least until he gets shot and injured, then he's just a burden on the state and becomes homeless. Harsh but if you talk to a former soldier you'll know that's what happens to many of them.
Your dangerous choice is no where near as bad as the consequences of some people's choices.
So rather than fight what you clearly want, decide that it's what you want and you're adult about the consequences.
I hope that helps you figure this out.
So either you decide to do what you need to do to stop your weight gain and slowly get fitter OR you decide that you love eating more than anything else and you've accepted that the price is compromised health and a shorter life.
People make life and death choices every day, like the man who chooses to become a soldier. That comes with some honour, at least until he gets shot and injured, then he's just a burden on the state and becomes homeless. Harsh but if you talk to a former soldier you'll know that's what happens to many of them.
Your dangerous choice is no where near as bad as the consequences of some people's choices.
So rather than fight what you clearly want, decide that it's what you want and you're adult about the consequences.
I hope that helps you figure this out.
5 days