
Movie quotes xd

tokyoCaptivated wrote:

Captain Hook: Prepare to die, Peter Pan!
Peter: To die would be a grand adventure!
Captain Hook: Death is the only adventure you have left.

Tinkerbell: Say it, Peter. Say it and mean it.
Peter: I believe in fairies!
Tinkerbell: You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you...Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

(I love Hook, an unnecessary amount of a lot.)

Captain Hook: Ru-fi-o, Ru-fio. *Hook performs a flourish with his cutl****

Rufio: Looky, looky! I've got Hooky!! *fails to anticipate a block and is impaled*

Peter: Hook, NO!!
13 years

Movie quotes xd

wesleyv1 wrote:
zero: did the have red x's on them

evryone: wao

zig zag: you made zero talk

arm pit: hey yo what else can you do zero


your mad

well thank goodness for that cause if i wasnt this would probly never work


i got a jar of dirrt i got a jar of dirrt and i know whats inside it


the world used to be a bigger place

the worlds still the same theres just less in it


but wesly wat about the r.o.u.s's

rodants of unusual size i dont think the exist


hey wheres my hat

howdy im woody howdy howdy howdy howdy howdy

ah ha ah ha give me that


ok life time suply of cookies to anyone who knows wat movies theese quotes are from

I don't know about the first one, but 2, 3, and 4 are from Pirates of Carribean movies, Dead Mans Chest, and World's end.

The 5th one is from Princess Bride, and 6th is from Toy Story
13 years

Movie quotes xd

wesleyv1 wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
wesleyv1 wrote:
zero: did the have red x's on them

evryone: wao

zig zag: you made zero talk

arm pit: hey yo what else can you do zero


your mad

well thank goodness for that cause if i wasnt this would probly never work


i got a jar of dirrt i got a jar of dirrt and i know whats inside it


the world used to be a bigger place

the worlds still the same theres just less in it


but wesly wat about the r.o.u.s's

rodants of unusual size i dont think the exist


hey wheres my hat

howdy im woody howdy howdy howdy howdy howdy

ah ha ah ha give me that


ok life time suply of cookies to anyone who knows wat movies theese quotes are from

I don't know about the first one, but 2, 3, and 4 are from Pirates of Carribean movies, Dead Mans Chest, and World's end.

The 5th one is from Princess Bride, and 6th is from Toy Story

the first one was holes but heres your constilation prize throws a box of rice crispy treats

Yessss, WINNING!
13 years

Movie quotes xd

'I got Woodrow, its not dying i'm talking about, its living!
13 years

Movie quotes xd

Bryan: You don't remember me. We spoke on the phone two days ago...I told you I'd find you.


Bryan: (To Kidnapper)You know, we used to outsource this kind of thing. But what we found was the countries we outsourced to had unreliable power grids. Very Third World. You'd turn on a switch - power wouldn't come on, and then tempers would get short. People would resort to pulling fingernails. Acid drips on bare skin. The whole exercise would become counterproductive. But here, the power's stable. Here, there's a nice even flow. Here, you can flip a switch and the power stays on all day. Where is she?

(Electricutes kidnapper)

Bryan: You either give me what I need or this switch will stay on until they turn the power off for lack of payment on the bill.

(Bryan begins walking toward the switch again)
Kidnapper: (Sobbing) Please, p-p-PLEASE! I don't---I don't know anything!! Please believe me!!!

Bryan: I believe you...but that won't save you. (Turns the switch on and leaves the room)

13 years

Movie quotes xd

wesleyv1 wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
Bryan: You don't remember me. We spoke on the phone two days ago...I told you I'd find you.


Bryan: (To Kidnapper)You know, we used to outsource this kind of thing. But what we found was the countries we outsourced to had unreliable power grids. Very Third World. You'd turn on a switch - power wouldn't come on, and then tempers would get short. People would resort to pulling fingernails. Acid drips on bare skin. The whole exercise would become counterproductive. But here, the power's stable. Here, there's a nice even flow. Here, you can flip a switch and the power stays on all day. Where is she?

(Electricutes kidnapper)

Bryan: You either give me what I need or this switch will stay on until they turn the power off for lack of payment on the bill.

(Bryan begins walking toward the switch again)
Kidnapper: (Sobbing) Please, p-p-PLEASE! I don't---I don't know anything!! Please believe me!!!

Bryan: I believe you...but that won't save you. (Turns the switch on and leaves the room)


dude you forgot the best line in the whole movie

brian: "whos beyonce"smiley

LMFAO, I knew I'd forgotten one
13 years

Movie quotes xd

You think I'm an ignorant savage, and you've been so many places I guess it must be so. But still I cannot see, if the savage one is me. How can there be so much that you don't know, you don't know.

You think you own whatever land you land on, the earth is just a dead thing you can claim. But I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name.

You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll find things you never knew you never knew.

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon, or asked the grinning bobcat why he grins? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain, can you paint with all the colors of the wind? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Come run the hidden pine-trails of the forest, come taste the sunsweet berries of the earth. Come roll in all the riches all around you. And for once never wonder what they're worth.

The rainstorm and the river are my brothers, the Heron and the Otter are my friends. And we are all connected to each other; in a circle, in a hoop, that never ends.

How high does the sycamore grow? If you cut it down, then you'll never know. And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon, for whether we are white or copper-skinned, we need to sing with all the voices of the mountain. We need to paint with all the colors of the wind.

You can own the Earth and still, all you'll own is earth until you can paint with all the colors of the wind.

--Pocahontas, Colors of the Wind
13 years

Movie quotes xd

This thread appears to have become a place for people to post the lyrics to Disney songs...and now to perpetuate that trend, here's another one xD!

Dr. Facilier:
Don't you disrespect me little man! Don't you derogate, or deride. You're in my world now, not your world. And I've got friends on the other side.

(He's got friends on the other side...)

Dr. Facilier:
That's an echo gentlemen. Just a little something we have here in Louisiana, a little parlor trick. Don't worry...

Sit at my table
Put your minds at ease
If you relax it will allow me to do anything I please
I can read your future
I can change it 'round some too!
I'll look deep into your heart and soul (You do have a soul don't you Lawrence?)
And I'll make your wildest dreams come true!

I got Voodoo
I got Hoodoo
I got things I ain't even tried!
And I got friends on the other side

(He's got friends on the other side...)

Dr. Facilier:
The Cards, the cards, the cards will tell
The Past, the Present, and the Future as well.
The Cards, the cards, just take three
Take a little trip into your future with me

Now you, young man, are from across the sea!
You come from two long lines of Royalty! (I'm Royal myself on my mother's side)
Your lifestyle's High
But your funds are Low
You need to marry a little Honey who's daddy got Dough.

Mommy and Daddy cut ya off huh playboy?
Now y'all gotta get hitched, but hitchin ties you down.
You just wanna be free
Hop from place to place

But Freedom...takes Green!
It's the Green, It's the Green, It's the Green you Need!
And when I look into your future
It's the Green that I see.

On you Little Man, I don't wanna waste much time
You've been pushed around all your life
You've been pushed around by your mother your sister and your brother
And if you was married, you'd be pushed around by your wife
But in your future, the you I see
Is exactly the Man you always wanted to be!

Shake my hand
Come on boys
Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?

Are you Ready?

Are you Ready?

Dr. Facilier:
Are you Ready?!
Transformation central!

Transformation Central!

Dr. Facilier:
Reformation Central!

Reformation Central!

Dr. Facilier:
Transmogrification Central!
Can you feel it?
You're changin'
You're Changin'
You're changin' alright
I hope you're satisfied!
But if you ain't
Don't blame me
You can blame my friends on the other side

You got what you wanted
But you lost what you had

13 years

Movie quotes xd

Still diggin' the Disney, but don't worry it's not a whole song this time...

Mufasa: *Scrabbling up the side of a cliff* Scar!! Brother...Help me!!

Scar: *looking down on Mufasa*...*slams his paws down on top of Mufasa's driving his claws in deep*...Long Live the King...*tears Mufasa's paws away from the face of the cliff*
13 years

Movie quotes xd

There are sooo many but my favourite are

* Gypsy I will look upon your treasures.. I will look *
* I could not concentrate on what with old man was saying for thoughts of pamela '
* I get a window from a gl*** he must get a window from a gl*** '
* It is uh good you let *** sit.. eat dinner with you here *

and my favourite

When I uh buy my wife at the start she was uh cook good her vagin work well and she strong on plow but ah after three years when she turn fifteen then she become weak, her voice become deep, and vaginn hang like sleeve of wizard

Scary movie 2
* Who let the horse out.. wow shes good *

* The child won't even let me touch her Yes, sometimes you have to give them candy *

House bunny
* the eyes are the nipples of the face*

* or we could like get our tennis shoes and throw them over power lines because like ive seen them around and it would seem like people would have fun doing that right, huh ?.......or we could go to a club.. *

and the part in Pulp fiction when he asks the guy for a bite of his big kahuna burger and his beverage haha and everytime he uses his bible quote .... and of course the end when he gets his bad mother***er wallet

hahaha theres sooo many more but i think ive already written too many hahah
13 years
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