
First time with heavy cream

Yep, Heavy Whipping Cream! More every day! :-D
5 years

First time with heavy cream

I'm starting heavy cream today. I'll try 3x 200ml (6.8 oz) a day for the next weeks. Let's see how it works.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

So it's been a week and I gained 7lbs. I did the math and it can't be all fat, but I do feel a bit softer. I'm usually gaining quite slowly even if I eat a lot every day, so it is really surprising.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Update on my 30 day binge. It's been a week since I finished, I'm up to 156 lbs (a gain of 6-8 lbs), 2" of new hip fat, and 1" of new thigh fat. I might still gain more from the "delay" for another week. But it definitely puts weight on you!

A side note, it also seems to have made me more tired? It's harder to get out of bed, which I don't mind since getting sleep is hard for me.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Update on my 30 day binge. It's been a week since I finished, I'm up to 156 lbs (a gain of 6-8 lbs), 2" of new hip fat, and 1" of new thigh fat. I might still gain more from the "delay" for another week. But it definitely puts weight on you!

A side note, it also seems to have made me more tired? It's harder to get out of bed, which I don't mind since getting sleep is hard for me.

I'm very glad to hear about this!

Supposedly cream, and fat in general is supposed to have a low "thermic effect" meaning very few calories are needed to digest it and of course, get stored. At 3% it's the most efficient, though it's never that simple.

Perhaps you gained slightly faster than your body is getting used to it? Your legs in particular, as well as your arms have to build some more muscle to carry the extra weight. Don't worry, you aren't going to develop obvious tone and a six pack, the fat is going to keep that covered up. Always have to be a little careful, though. I expect it may return back to normal, assuming you keep up the same lifestyle and daily habits you have always had. I'm also assuming you get more than enough protein from other sources for the muscle... chicken nuggets, burgers, hot dogs, steak, sandwiches, cheese, and so on.

If it gets much worse, you could try going for some walks. It doesn't even burn that many calories... a single cookie will restore any calories burned from walking a mile and then some.

I'll admit I'm slightly jealous you can suck down an entire pint each day, day after day. Most I've really been able to do each day is 50% half and half + 50% cream, which in a pint is roughly 1,120 calories. Though maybe next time I'll try 3 cups with the same ratio.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Okay- Day 6 and I'm taking a break. all of a sudden, my pants got really tight. That was 2 days ago.

If there's a delayed effect I am so screwed smiley
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Just putting in my two cents; I've been going strong with the heavy cream diet since the beginning of may and have already put on 21lbs. This stuff is amazing. All I did was eat my regular diet of around 2000kcal, and throughout the day drink a quart of heavy cream mixed with nothing but chocolate milk.

I'm still skinny lookin', being 6'2 at 182lbs now, but this stuff is the magic key to reaching my goal of 220. And I can attest to former comments saying the weight goes straight to the lower belly, ass and thighs.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Just putting in my two cents; I've been going strong with the heavy cream diet since the beginning of may and have already put on 21lbs. This stuff is amazing. All I did was eat my regular diet of around 2000kcal, and throughout the day drink a quart of heavy cream mixed with nothing but chocolate milk.

I'm still skinny lookin', being 6'2 at 182lbs now, but this stuff is the magic key to reaching my goal of 220. And I can attest to former comments saying the weight goes straight to the lower belly, ass and thighs.

You can drink a quart in a day, day after day? Holy cow. Most folks would get sick having that much.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Maybe it's just me but I've found that the more I drink it, the less it upsets my tummy.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Just putting in my two cents; I've been going strong with the heavy cream diet since the beginning of may and have already put on 21lbs. This stuff is amazing. All I did was eat my regular diet of around 2000kcal, and throughout the day drink a quart of heavy cream mixed with nothing but chocolate milk.

I'm still skinny lookin', being 6'2 at 182lbs now, but this stuff is the magic key to reaching my goal of 220. And I can attest to former comments saying the weight goes straight to the lower belly, ass and thighs.

You can drink a quart in a day, day after day? Holy cow. Most folks would get sick having that much.

I didn't start off with that much. I went with just a pint a day mixed with a liter of chocolate milk, and as my stomach started agreeing with it more I bumped it up to a quart. And I havent been doing it EVERY day, more like 4 days out of the week. As long as I dilute it with something sweet it actually tastes pretty good imo, like melted ice cream.
5 years
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