Extreme obesity


I guess its because i like to feel vulnerable especially when im in bed i want to feel like im being preyed upon, and when he catches me... he can do whatever he wants and usually that entails shoving food in my mouth and playing with my fat, and the tought of becoming fatter and, as a consequence less able to fight back this predator, turns me on so much ! so much that its been 2 years that i have been eating really bad and i developed type 2 diabetes wich now makes it even easier to gain weight because of the insulin and the drowsyness.
i guess that one thing brings to another and knowing that i know have diabetes and going back to 2 years earlier is impossible, i am pretty sure im not gonna be able to lose weight even if i tried my hardest, my diet mostly consists of fast food and sweets wich led to me gaining more than 20kg in the last 2 years, and i know that i should stop or slow down but knowing that maybe in 2 more years im gonna be 20kilos heavier ,if not more (because of diabetes) turns me on so much, the thought of my friends and family looking at me becoming obese and thinking how much ive let myself go is the best and i cannot have enough of it.
that scares me a bit because i already have breathing problems and snoring like A LOT! and also it makes it harder LIKE MUCH MORE COMPLICATED
to travel wich is one of my greatest passions but i guess the arousal and satisfaction i get from looking at my body and seeing how it grows and that im doing this to myself its just better than being able to fit in a plane seat.
2 years


The whole idea of being stretched so far out of shape, by huge amounts of fat! - like I consume the food and then the Fat consumes me! - but i also like people that are like 600 pounds and loose all there weight now that's ruined, rolls of skin hanging from u from where the fat used to be! the Melted look! is the other end of the extreme and a sexy one too
2 years


As a death feeder I definitely get off on ruination, but the idea of it can mean different goals and fetishes to different people, so I think this can be a fun topic.

Want to be taken from fit classy respected, to obese slobby, pathetic pig

How do you want to be ruined?

Purely aesthetically--stretch marks, changed face, certain hygienic issues, skin so stretched by fat that you'll never look the same without many expensive surgeries, even with weight loss?

Health--ruined joints, permenantly stretched stomach lining, severe hygienic problems, chronic illness, conditions that hinder or prevent weight loss without surgery, permenant cardiovascular damage, lymphoedema, irreversible diabetes, etc?

Psychological--food addiction, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, dependency, broken will, a feeling of uselessness, wasted potential that can never be regained, feeling too far gone, knowing you're so fat that only attractive to someone who wants to assist in your slow suicide?

Why do you want to be ruined?

Does the thing being ruined directly turn you on? Which is to say, it just does and you don't know why. It didn't develope from another fetish, but the moment you saw it in someone else, or it happened by accident to you, you were turned on.

Did it develope from a similar fetish? An overall desire to be controlled, hurt, to please?

Did it develope from a coping mechanism? A way to turn suffering or self hatred into pleasure?

Is it an excuse? Are you scared of your inherent fetish (mobility issues, health issues, or even just becoming obese), and the more ruined you become, the further gone you are, the easier it is to just let it happen? Does having someone destroy your body ALLOW you to get off on it because now the damage is done/irreversible?

Explore your darkness with this one 💝
1 year


The feeder side of this for me falls into both aesthetic and psychological, but they're sort of intertwined. The aesthetic part is more subjective, but certain things about gaining can be permanent, near permanent, or at least difficult to change. I love loose skin, soft fat, cellulite, and to a lesser degree stretch marks and just the general changes in body shape and fat distribution. The psychological part though is the full on acceptance and embrace of hedonism. The idea that you are so committed to pleasure that you let it change you and are now, permanently, a reflection of that with each physical change.
1 year


As a death feeder I definitely get off on ruination, but the idea of it can mean different goals and fetishes to different people, so I think this can be a fun topic.

How do you want to be ruined?

Purely aesthetically--stretch marks, changed face, certain hygienic issues, skin so stretched by fat that you'll never look the same without many expensive surgeries, even with weight loss?

Health--ruined joints, permenantly stretched stomach lining, severe hygienic problems, chronic illness, conditions that hinder or prevent weight loss without surgery, permenant cardiovascular damage, lymphoedema, irreversible diabetes, etc?

Psychological--food addiction, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, dependency, broken will, a feeling of uselessness, wasted potential that can never be regained, feeling too far gone, knowing you're so fat that only attractive to someone who wants to assist in your slow suicide?

Why do you want to be ruined?

Does the thing being ruined directly turn you on? Which is to say, it just does and you don't know why. It didn't develope from another fetish, but the moment you saw it in someone else, or it happened by accident to you, you were turned on.

Did it develope from a similar fetish? An overall desire to be controlled, hurt, to please?

Did it develope from a coping mechanism? A way to turn suffering or self hatred into pleasure?

Is it an excuse? Are you scared of your inherent fetish (mobility issues, health issues, or even just becoming obese), and the more ruined you become, the further gone you are, the easier it is to just let it happen? Does having someone destroy your body ALLOW you to get off on it because now the damage is done/irreversible?

Explore your darkness with this one 💝

SHE is my living work of art.

She went from a "big boned" lass to someone who can barely get out of bed on her own. I have to brace myself just to get her up! She doesn't care, because it's a collaborative piece of work!
1 year


As a death feeder I definitely get off on ruination, but the idea of it can mean different goals and fetishes to different people, so I think this can be a fun topic.

Want to be taken from fit classy respected, to obese slobby, pathetic pig

How do you want to be ruined?

Purely aesthetically--stretch marks, changed face, certain hygienic issues, skin so stretched by fat that you'll never look the same without many expensive surgeries, even with weight loss?

Health--ruined joints, permenantly stretched stomach lining, severe hygienic problems, chronic illness, conditions that hinder or prevent weight loss without surgery, permenant cardiovascular damage, lymphoedema, irreversible diabetes, etc?

Psychological--food addiction, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, dependency, broken will, a feeling of uselessness, wasted potential that can never be regained, feeling too far gone, knowing you're so fat that only attractive to someone who wants to assist in your slow suicide?

Why do you want to be ruined?

Does the thing being ruined directly turn you on? Which is to say, it just does and you don't know why. It didn't develope from another fetish, but the moment you saw it in someone else, or it happened by accident to you, you were turned on.

Did it develope from a similar fetish? An overall desire to be controlled, hurt, to please?

Did it develope from a coping mechanism? A way to turn suffering or self hatred into pleasure?

Is it an excuse? Are you scared of your inherent fetish (mobility issues, health issues, or even just becoming obese), and the more ruined you become, the further gone you are, the easier it is to just let it happen? Does having someone destroy your body ALLOW you to get off on it because now the damage is done/irreversible?

Explore your darkness with this one 💝


I would want to explore this. I like the idea of getting so fat that I would be aesthetically ruined with conditions that prevent weight loss, with a food addiction, and dependency.

The biggest roadblock with me is finding someone to do it to me.
1 year


As a death feeder I definitely get off on ruination, but the idea of it can mean different goals and fetishes to different people, so I think this can be a fun topic.

Want to be taken from fit classy respected, to obese slobby, pathetic pig

How do you want to be ruined?

Purely aesthetically--stretch marks, changed face, certain hygienic issues, skin so stretched by fat that you'll never look the same without many expensive surgeries, even with weight loss?

Health--ruined joints, permenantly stretched stomach lining, severe hygienic problems, chronic illness, conditions that hinder or prevent weight loss without surgery, permenant cardiovascular damage, lymphoedema, irreversible diabetes, etc?

Psychological--food addiction, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, dependency, broken will, a feeling of uselessness, wasted potential that can never be regained, feeling too far gone, knowing you're so fat that only attractive to someone who wants to assist in your slow suicide?

Why do you want to be ruined?

Does the thing being ruined directly turn you on? Which is to say, it just does and you don't know why. It didn't develope from another fetish, but the moment you saw it in someone else, or it happened by accident to you, you were turned on.

Did it develope from a similar fetish? An overall desire to be controlled, hurt, to please?

Did it develope from a coping mechanism? A way to turn suffering or self hatred into pleasure?

Is it an excuse? Are you scared of your inherent fetish (mobility issues, health issues, or even just becoming obese), and the more ruined you become, the further gone you are, the easier it is to just let it happen? Does having someone destroy your body ALLOW you to get off on it because now the damage is done/irreversible?

Explore your darkness with this one 💝


I would want to explore this. I like the idea of getting so fat that I would be aesthetically ruined with conditions that prevent weight loss, with a food addiction, and dependency.

The biggest roadblock with me is finding someone to do it to me.
1 year


I Am Uo:
I want to ruin my body with lots of stretch marks. And really saggy stretched out skin

So do i, i love ruining my skin and covering myself with stretchmarks, knowing if i ever loose weight i will have loose ruined skin everywhere 🤤
3 months
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