Fat experiences

Who was thin and got fat

I was always so active I didn't get chance to eat big meals and what I did eat I must have burnt off. I was 105lbs in my early 20s. I wanted to be big and should have been gaining when I had a job with meals provided, but I was still to active. About 24/25 is when I started to gain. It's been a glacial gain compared to most because I still work in an active industry. I've gotten as high as 223lbs in the lockdown but lost a bunch as we came out of it. It's slowly coming back on and I'd like to be 250 at least by this time next year. I'm seriously considering a career change to gain properly!

Always thin. Want to be teased and roll play as an Obese blob.
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was thin once, I was around 160lbs and a size 12 now I'm a size 24-26 and around 280ish
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was thin once, I was around 160lbs and a size 12 now I'm a size 24-26 and around 280ish

What made you go from thin to fat? Was it a gradual thing that just happened or a conscious decision?
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was thin once, I was around 160lbs and a size 12 now I'm a size 24-26 and around 280ish

And now you are so very sexy and beautiful with your fat belly xxc
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was thin once, I was around 160lbs and a size 12 now I'm a size 24-26 and around 280ish

What made you go from thin to fat? Was it a gradual thing that just happened or a conscious decision?

My husband asked me if I'd gain a few pounds and I guess I never stopped lol
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was thin once, I was around 160lbs and a size 12 now I'm a size 24-26 and around 280ish

What made you go from thin to fat? Was it a gradual thing that just happened or a conscious decision?

My husband asked me if I'd gain a few pounds and I guess I never stopped lol

I remember 😉
Now I, as an FA wants to get fat 😉😍
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was really thin growing up.
Thin all thru school and college and first marriage.
Gained weight then lost it,gained again and lost it.
Finally decided I would rather be chubby than skinny.
Of course enjoying being chubby led to getting heavier and heavier.
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

Does It count when I was a kid
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

Does It count when I was a kid
2 years

Who was thin and got fat

I have grown a lot the last few years not sure if it's a blessing or curse
2 years
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