Fattening others

Gaining as a feeder

I can’t wait to see this thread in a year’s time. I think you’re right on the verge of enjoying the weight gain. If you’re meant to be skinny, you’ll turn it around, but I think you would have done that already.

I think it's to late for that. Even if I want to, it's too much weight to lose and it will make me quit easier.

It really isn't. People bigger than you have lost tons of weight before.

The truth is that you enjoy being lazy and greedy with your boyfriend. It too much fun, and I bet the way he treats your gains turns you on far too much to stop.
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

My advice: find a gym where you can do the sport you like (I’m guessing kickboxing bcs of your profile pic). Start picking up good habits again and have a trainer checking up on you.

That is if you *really* want to lose the weight.
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

I think you should give yourself a break for the holidays and allow yourself to indulge, and then see how you feel in 2023.
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

How I see this thread I think you need to rest at least a few months, let it go and see if you like to keep growing
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

Okaaay, literally my jeans ripped last week. I was all focused on my bf grow I didn't notice I gained too a little. I'll start a diet and going to the gym tomorrow.
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

Okaaay, literally my jeans ripped last week. I was all focused on my bf grow I didn't notice I gained too a little. I'll start a diet and going to the gym tomorrow.

Good luck!
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

I don't get this thread.

I've dated, fed, and fattened multiple women -- one to quite a large size, and one who thought of herself as a feeder but ended up with me turning those desires around on her (which was very satisfying). It's never been an issue for me to have my own separate diet and remain fit and active. You just have to be your own person and have your partner understand that.

In your case, OP, it sounds like you genuinely enjoy gaining with your boyfriend. And he sounds like quite a feeder himself.

It also sounds to me like neither you nor your boyfriend have ever actually been honest with each other about your specific desires, and to what extent you want to take those desires. It's a boundaries issue.

You can't "hope" that things work out the way you want them to in relationships, particularly not when feedism and weight gain are involved. You need to be specific and honest.

If you really hated gaining, you probably wouldn't have done it so much thus far. But you also shouldn't do it just because you think it will help him gain. I'd argue that's manipulative and will result in both of you being unhappy.
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

I don't get this thread.

I've dated, fed, and fattened multiple women -- one to quite a large size, and one who thought of herself as a feeder but ended up with me turning those desires around on her (which was very satisfying). It's never been an issue for me to have my own separate diet and remain fit and active. You just have to be your own person and have your partner understand that.

In your case, OP, it sounds like you genuinely enjoy gaining with your boyfriend. And he sounds like quite a feeder himself.

It also sounds to me like neither you nor your boyfriend have ever actually been honest with each other about your specific desires, and to what extent you want to take those desires. It's a boundaries issue.

You can't "hope" that things work out the way you want them to in relationships, particularly not when feedism and weight gain are involved. You need to be specific and honest.

If you really hated gaining, you probably wouldn't have done it so much thus far. But you also shouldn't do it just because you think it will help him gain. I'd argue that's manipulative and will result in both of you being unhappy.

The responses in this thread make a little more sense when read in conjunction with this thread:


That said, I agree with all of your points.
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

OP: You say you lack self control, when really what's happening, psychologically, is that you're thinking of your own weight and discipline as forms of self-denial. Of course, if you view weight loss as the goal and junk food as a forbidden fruit, being that it's an obstacle to your goal, of course you're going to want it more than your boyfriend does, seeing as it's not off-limits to him--in fact, he may even be starting to see it as a chore.

The good news is it's very easy to gaslight yourself into making healthier choices. Instead of thinking "I'm not allowed to eat junk food because it'll make me gain weight," think something like, "Even though he enjoys them, candy and fast food are honestly pretty cloying to my particular palate; I'd rather have delicious blackened chicken over seasonal roasted vegetables anyway."

What's important is not to internalize fatphobia and make it all about restriction. I guarantee you, restricting yourself will damage your metabolism in the long run, and focusing too much on the number on the scale will just make you unhappy. You can improve your relationship with nutrition while keeping eating a joyful experience and focusing on the positives.
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

Honestly, I think we should let OP speak for herself. She can say what her own desires are. We shouldn't put our own views onto her - weight loss or weight gain.

If she responds to this thread, that's fine. We shouldn't push her in one direction or another. That's for her to decide. If she doesn't reply to this thread, that's also fine. It's not our business unless she makes it our business.
1 year
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