
What is your dream stuffing session?

It’s Thanksgiving and my family impose all of their dishes on me. I eat some of each of their individual dishes they brought, big turkey legs, a ton of rice and beans, roasted vegetables, big slices of meatloaf and roasted potatoes completely stuffed to the brim by the end, but they guilt me into getting seconds. I oblige and keep eating until I can hardly move, my belly protruding noticeably.

I then get a text from my boss- I completely forgot he invited me to his dinner as well. So I drive over, rubbing my gut to make room for another dinner somehow.

I arrive just as they begin to eat. I try to hide my already stuffed belly as I join them. But I’m so focused on making a good impression not wanting to offend, I try to eat a little of everything, sweating trying to stuff more in my overloaded belly. My boss sees how much I’m eating and serves me seconds, heaps of shortrib, turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, mac and cheese, along with tall mugs of beer which get topped off every time I finish.

I have two massive thanksgiving feasts stuffed into me, but my boss wants to keep the night going and drags me to the nearby bar for some more beers. He orders me my own pitcher leaving me to chug pint after pint to keep pace with him. I can’t believe how over distended my stomach is, in total pain from the pounds of food and beer stuffed into me. The night ends, and while driving me back, he feels hungry again and we drive-thru a Taco Bell where orders both me and himself a handful of burritos and a large soda to wash it down with.

I feel pressured to accept his generosity, forcing each burrito down on top of the mountain of food already in me. I can’t eat another crumb and am finally left at home, pinned down by the sheer volume of my engorged stomach. It’s rock hard, solid to the touch containing all of the pounds and liters of beer from two enormous thanksgiving dinners, beer and fastfood in one night.
2 weeks
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