
Why do you want to get fat?

I love feeling and looking huge period. But also the way my fat moves, piles up on itself when sitting or lying down. The dynamic nature of how fat wobbles and bounces in walking. Like its softness and moldabity in my hands. I enjoy my belly apron pressure on my thighs when standing. What is not to like.

4 months

Why do you want to get fat?

I think it’s because I don’t want to be small. I want to have some size. I’m just about 5’5”-6” and feel small and shrunken even at 200 lbs.

Ironically I’m also a bit insecure about my looks. I like fat guys, they’re sexy and attractive, and I want to be and look like them.
4 months

Why do you want to get fat?

He is a boy! care!!! he isnt the lady of the pics
4 months

Why do you want to get fat?

Never in my wildest dreams or fantasy did i imagine i would end up like this.
I have struggled with gaining, mentally, emotionally and physically. I have almost completely accepted that this is how i am for the rest of my life and plan to reach my LAST goal weight within the year. 400 lbs

I like several things about my body. 1. everything about me is soft. My lower stomach feels softer than a breast and its smooth and cool.
the feeling of being so full that i cant move at all is erotic. its hard to get to this point by myself though.
shame - as much as it disgusts me to admit this.. there is a part of me that feels the need to be shamed. the way people look at me sometimes makes me wither , especially people who knew the before me. whispers about how i need to... eat a salad... push away from the table... mooo...pop... so many hurt on multiple levels but also excite me. which makes me feel worse.

About a week ago i went to a MS transition ceremony. It was a small class of about 250 students about to move from MS to HS.

We were almost late and had to sit near the front which meant walking down in front of all those people right as the music played for them to walk in.

My BFF laughed at me and how i looked. she took a pic of me while we stood up and turned to see them all walk in. Her son was in the group of graduates. she sent the pic she took of me to me and i was shocked at how gross i looked in the dress. I couldnt even blame dinner before the ceremony for making me look like a pile of different sizes of michellen tires squeezed into a light green balloon.
I fought back tears through the ceremony as she quietly apologized.. backhanded apologies are the worst.
manage to put on a smile for the kiddo afterward and tried to stear clear of the pics
3 months

Why do you want to get fat?

Well, I was always thin until I was around 25, but wanted to be fat for as long as I can remember.

Getting fat has a heavy sexual component. Fat, whether on myself or on others, turns me on. Thin me felt like he had nothing to offer someone else in an intimate setting. Fat me has all this bulging flesh to share.

Fatness also is a vulnerability. There is nothing more intimate than sharing with someone else how I’m burning to put another 200, maybe 300 lbs of pure fat on an already obese, and struggling, frame.

But beyond the issue of sex drive, getting fat is almost an existential consideration. *To be* me is to feel the comfort of encasing, wobbling, dripping lard.
3 months

Why do you want to get fat?

Never in my wildest dreams or fantasy did i imagine i would end up like this.
I have struggled with gaining, mentally, emotionally and physically. I have almost completely accepted that this is how i am for the rest of my life and plan to reach my LAST goal weight within the year. 400 lbs

I like several things about my body. 1. everything about me is soft. My lower stomach feels softer than a breast and its smooth and cool.
the feeling of being so full that i cant move at all is erotic. its hard to get to this point by myself though.
shame - as much as it disgusts me to admit this.. there is a part of me that feels the need to be shamed. the way people look at me sometimes makes me wither , especially people who knew the before me. whispers about how i need to... eat a salad... push away from the table... mooo...pop... so many hurt on multiple levels but also excite me. which makes me feel worse.

About a week ago i went to a MS transition ceremony. It was a small class of about 250 students about to move from MS to HS.

We were almost late and had to sit near the front which meant walking down in front of all those people right as the music played for them to walk in.

My BFF laughed at me and how i looked. she took a pic of me while we stood up and turned to see them all walk in. Her son was in the group of graduates. she sent the pic she took of me to me and i was shocked at how gross i looked in the dress. I couldnt even blame dinner before the ceremony for making me look like a pile of different sizes of michellen tires squeezed into a light green balloon.
I fought back tears through the ceremony as she quietly apologized.. backhanded apologies are the worst.
manage to put on a smile for the kiddo afterward and tried to stear clear of the pics

You’re probably quite beautiful and shouldn’t be shamed like that. Could be time to find some friends that are a bit more accepting of peoples’ weight choices?
3 months

Why do you want to get fat?

I have always wanted to have big, round and hanging belly with big round moobs that would rest on my belly.

Would love to have my moobs to expand so big, round that they would hang, bounce and needed bra for support to keep them in place.
3 months

Why do you want to get fat?

Since I can't lose weight anymore, I prefer to be huge and have a body full of fat. Plus I can eat as much as I want and enjoy the food without worries.
3 months

Why do you want to get fat?

For me it’s not about ‘wanting’ to get fat because I already am! I just feel like I’d enjoy my life more if being over 300 pounds was normal. Expressing myself with food has always been apart of me, I know I’ll never stop and overtime the pounds will pile on so it’s more so about being accepted as an unapologetic growing woman.
3 months

Why do you want to get fat?

I don't actually *want* to get fat, I just enjoy overeating and bingeing and it's a side-effect. I do enjoy being fat though

One thing for me, which I haven't seen mentioned is that my big belly is like a buffer between me and the world around me... it's literally the first to enter a room or bump into things and people... I kinda feel like it protects me in a way, from cruel comments and stares... I mean, it's also the reason for comments and stares in the first place but it's like, they bounce off my big fat belly and don't hurt me?

I've always felt quite protective of my fat gut, because I feel it protects me.

Plus, the fuller it is the better that works. that's also always been true and especially during covid... A full full full tummy kinda numbs the world just enough for me, it makes everything go quiet and calm, just me and my bursting gut, all that registers is how it pushes on my lungs and how heavy it is.

I like imagining i'm just one giant fat ballbelly. Full. Completely sated. Floating heavy and calm and swollen. Nothing else matters.

Plus later as an adult, I just get soooo turned on by how round my tummy is.

And if gorging is not enough, combining that with alcohol or weed can help.
3 months
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