Morbidly A Beast:
Content Creators are Toxic for the parasocial aspect it sends mixed signals to people who probably don’t know better, but it really isn’t the creators fault but like it isn’t said enough I feel like. But I also think sex work is real work. Big brain.
Agreed! I'd say that content creation is absolutely valid entrepreneurship, and I certainly respect people who are able to make it profitable. I think the danger is when people assume everyone on the site wants to put out content and is somehow not participating appropriately in the community if they are not doing so. As fat people, we don't exist for others' gratification. We exist as whole humans, all by ourselves, with the right to be active here and in any other space we choose in whatever way we choose.
I think people, especially in America but in other places too, are much more selfish and much more... stupid, than that (i have a theory of stupidity but its gonna be too much to write it here), and i mean that litteraly. Not to offend, these are just the words that describe what im trying to say. From their point of view they see they cant find a partner the way they expect or desire to. They then indentify this as a problem. Instantly, the ideological narative of individualism kicks in and puts it as "Its either my fault or their fault" which might already be false, and of course entitled people almost always automatically assume that "its not my fault" without ever giving it proper thought. And then they are angry at other individuals, like being mad at someone will fix any problem.
Also, one question i have about what you write, what is "valid enterprenuership"? Is there a kind of enterprenuership that is not valid?