
Your passion/ favorite hobby

Share your passions or hobbies here! I want to know what everyone likes to do, and what you're working on!
I am an esports enjoyer, and I love history. I have been doing my own personal research and I'm contemplating writing my own article on a topic I really think needs covered!

I love video games, cosplaying and doing arts and crafts. I'm trying to learn to sew so I can make my own sexy cosplays.

Oh neat! How long have you been cosplaying and who are your favs to cosplay?
2 weeks

Your passion/ favorite hobby

Ive come to love learning. My main interests are political economy, sociology, philosophy.

I also want to figure out how to make educational videogames. And by that i mean, how can i get a typical player (which -as a game developer- i will rightfully characterize them as an idiot) to think in ways that they have never done before & have no idea of. For example, i would like to be able to make someone who is obsessed with FPS games, kind of exclusively, to be able to think about reality in systemic terms. In other words to make him able to explain things that happen in the real world as byproducts of our society.

I also want to people to examine in a materialistic way their own beliefs. Most notably, the idealistic belief held by a lot of people that “if you believe in it hard enough, you will get it!” Instead i would want to make them able to go through a process of critisizing their dreams (to see if theyre justified) and then to make a plan in order to actually achieve them!

I really want to make people think, with the games id like to make! And that requires me to basically understand the psychology of it.

And by the way, my biggest passion is to debate all of these things! If youve been around, youll propably notice that i cant stop trying to do it! 😆

(Im always down to debate, so long as the other person doesnt disregard my arguments simply because they would otherwise can shatter their beliefs.)
2 weeks
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