
Interesting fact about fat fetish

These are two different things.

I'm talking about liking the actual person. You are talking about liking the body said person inhabits. These two things are very unrelated.

When I'm interested in a relationship with a woman I want both. The fact that you have a thing for her size does not mean you can't appreciate her on other levels.

Of course it is possible for a man to fetishize a woman for her size and not love her or even like her, and she should reject such a man (unless she just wants a roll in the hay!). But having a preference for curvy women certainly doesn't eliminate the possibility of liking or loving her.

Like I said. These are two completely different things.

I'm in community with a lot of plus-sized women who are not feedists. I've heard horror story after horror story of these women getting into relationships with fat fetishists (either knowingly or unknowingly), only for things to go sideways.

Examples include attempts to manipulate them into the lifestyle, losing their minds if they decide to lose weight, or being more interested in their bodies than anything else.

It wears on a person to be objectified like this. So, instead of continuously taking a chance on fat fetishists, they'll swear them off entirely just to be safe. And considering what I have seen from fat fetishists in the community losing their God damned minds when dating a non-feedist, I get where they are coming from.

This is not to say it can't work out. Sometimes it does.

That said, women who want to be in relationships want to be valued for out personhood first and our body second. It is dangerous for us to be with someone who prizes our bodies too much.

Well said!
1 month

Interesting fact about fat fetish

You'd think so, but I've definitely read statements by BBWs saying they don't want guys who have a thing for fat women (let alone gaining women!). I guess such women fear being fetishized.

You know I actually do agree with this in some way shape or form. Because I can relate from my own experiences.

A recent example (even if it was a few months ago) I talked to a girl who was plus size and very much my type. And she also appreciates the fact that I am into women like her, even the belly attraction thing of mine. However because she was in the process of losing weight she told me that she’s very against this fetish. I respected her decision and told her that I am not into it anymore as I used to, I want to like her for her and not her body.

It didn’t end up working out, but it’s behind me now. What I am trying to say is that many plus size women (or any women really) don’t like to be a fetish whatsoever. Especially when someone is only interested in their features and nothing else. Women are not objects and should never be so! But if someone doesn’t really need any sexual tension, they are more likely to be ahead of everyone else who do.

I have made a comment previously where I mentioned that some people do despise feedism. It’s something that someone in this should have awareness about. Of course, people do have their preferences but if it’s in a perspective of a fetish… that’s when it could get problematic.
1 month
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