I'm 325 at the moment, and I feel like that's not fat enough. When I was 370, I let a doctor who was concerned about my blood pressure and cholesterol scare me into a diet for the first time in my life. I got to around 190 or 200, which was the smallest i'd been since before high school. I really didn't like the way I looked and felt, and by then I was with my partner, who has helped me regain. At the moment, I'm putting on 10-15 pounds a month, which has me at 400 by year's end. 350 for me seems to be where I cross over from very fat to looking much fatter than you commonly see in public. My end goal, and limit for now, is 500. At that point, my belly should be around 90 inches, which would be a dream come true for my partner and me. Sometimes we fantasize about what happens if I get there, but by then, I'm so sedentary and HUNGRY, I can't stop. It wouldn't be practical to just grow infinitely fatter, but it is a fun thought.
1 year