Extreme obesity

How fat is "too fat"?

For a fully dependent feedee, what do you feed them? Do you try to keep them in a sleepy, and relaxed state, like a food coma? I would think that this would be very beneficial for both yourself and your feedee.

I would love to be fattened like this while being sleepy, relaxed, lazy, not caring with big appetite & slow metabolism. Not forgetting being little turned on while my belly would be stuffed & growing rounder. Not forgetting moobs getting heavier, rounder as well.

I would love to find female feeder who would keep me on this kind of mental stage. Especially if she would secrectly drug me with medicines that would cause this.
1 month

How fat is "too fat"?

I thought I could stop at 600lbs and now I'm living in a bed.
As long as I am able to eat and they feed me. I will continue to gain weight and I will never become too fat.
You can always be too obese and still continue to gain weight.
With all this food in front of my face, there is no way I can stop gaining weight or try to reverse my situation.
1 month

How fat is "too fat"?

If I could maintain basic mobility and health, I'd gain another 150 pounds (currently 573). I only stopped because of a medical crisis and surgery. I've been a hardcore belly stuffer for years, and not a day passes that I don't wish I could eat my way into oblivion.
1 month

How fat is "too fat"?

It all depends on the person
1 month

How fat is "too fat"?

I'm very fascinated and completely terrified of one day being immobile. It honestly sounds like it would be hot as hell being surrounded by your own squish all day completely unable to move. But at the same time I feel like I would go insane not being able to go outside and at least walk around. So I feel like I'd love to get the point of having limited mobility but I don't know if I could bring myself to get to the point of full immobility
3 weeks
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