Extreme obesity


Who knows maybe you'll find one
1 month


Be careful what you wish for greedy girl... hi smiley

1 month


I would like to be ruined in every way possible. I want a feeder who will do their darkest and most depraved fantasies on me against my will.

I always am intrigued by this dynamic — the desire to fulfill another’s wicked fantasies being your own fantasy.

This is a disturbing — and hot! — discussion.
1 month


My thought of being ruined , would morbidly obese. I have a fantasy of eating or being fed to death.

Personally I would enjoy stuffing myself to death. Since I alone have made myself this fat. Why not go all the way?
1 month


As a death feeder I definitely get off on ruination, but the idea of it can mean different goals and fetishes to different people, so I think this can be a fun topic.

How do you want to be ruined?

Purely aesthetically--stretch marks, changed face, certain hygienic issues, skin so stretched by fat that you'll never look the same without many expensive surgeries, even with weight loss?

Health--ruined joints, permenantly stretched stomach lining, severe hygienic problems, chronic illness, conditions that hinder or prevent weight loss without surgery, permenant cardiovascular damage, lymphoedema, irreversible diabetes, etc?

Psychological--food addiction, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, dependency, broken will, a feeling of uselessness, wasted potential that can never be regained, feeling too far gone, knowing you're so fat that only attractive to someone who wants to assist in your slow suicide?

Why do you want to be ruined?

Does the thing being ruined directly turn you on? Which is to say, it just does and you don't know why. It didn't develope from another fetish, but the moment you saw it in someone else, or it happened by accident to you, you were turned on.

Did it develope from a similar fetish? An overall desire to be controlled, hurt, to please?

Did it develope from a coping mechanism? A way to turn suffering or self hatred into pleasure?

Is it an excuse? Are you scared of your inherent fetish (mobility issues, health issues, or even just becoming obese), and the more ruined you become, the further gone you are, the easier it is to just let it happen? Does having someone destroy your body ALLOW you to get off on it because now the damage is done/irreversible?

Explore your darkness with this one 💝
this read so fucking hot omg
1 month


As a death feeder I definitely get off on ruination….

I agree, with David, Hedonistic Purity
Is so hot!
1 month
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