I’ve actually given this a lot of thought and I realized that I’ve always had this fetish/presence, but over the years it has changed and morphed as I discovered different aspects of the community. Now first, it’s important to understand that I’ve always been athletic and fit (played tennis, ran track, lifted. Etc.) and in fact I’ve always been within 10 lbs of my current weight.
But I remember being fascinated by having a huge belly in my childhood (around 10 years old) and I would totally pad myself until I was huge. I had core (animal) fantasies about consuming huge amounts. And yet I myself never indulged.
Then as I started dating I was always drawn to chubby, curvy girls with big boobs. And still I didn’t really connect the dots. Remember this was largely pre internet until the late 90s, but still girls who were big, or pregnant, or chubby, man they were always high on my list of fantasies.
Flash forward to the 2000s, and then I discovered the actual fetish (thank you Stuffer31) then I realized that it was a huge turn on for me. Especially reading and watching girls stuff themselves and get huge bellies, and I realized that others share in this fetish.
Which brings me today, I don’t want to gain, but I discovered a certain talent for stuffing and bloating myself (go watch my videos) and I joined this group. I used to post on YT but got banned (LOL I never thought I was that risqué) and then didn’t post for a long time.
I still love big girls and chubby bellies. But my next desire is to meet someone IRL to share these fantasies and maybe have some playtime.
So there you are.
2 years