
Prefered weight

ZeroFeeder1 wrote:
Don't really have a preferred weight. Trying for 300. Gonna see if it's right for me. If so, I'll go to 350.

Heh... That's what I said too. I'm almost at 400 now, and I'm saying the same thing again.
13 years

Prefered weight

I would like to go to 500 lbs for the moment. maybe later, ...
13 years

Prefered weight

I prefer to be around 220-225, Being a FFA and encouraging late snacks for the wife I'm put on some weight in the last couple of years. Now at 250-255, looking to lose. Meanwhile the wife is somewhere around 200-210, a size 16, she looks awesome! smiley The weight gain myself is a small price to pay to have the wife gain! smiley She was 120 when we met! basically in the last couple years she has put on about 50-60 lbs. The Atkins diet and yo yo dieting I thik has hurt her metabolism, and she knows I love her size. She now has seem to accept her curves.
13 years

Prefered weight

sexyfat18 wrote:
well im super close to 300 right now. so my next goal is 350..... then 400.... then 450..... then we will see from there

Sounds so sexy! I hope you will reach you goals - every pound will make you hotter! With 400 pounds your fattened belly woul be really hanging down smiley
13 years

Prefered weight

Well I got as high as 240 lbs and then due to an uncontrollable set of circumstances lost back down to about 228 lbs. I originally started around 120 lbs though and at 6'2" that was pretty skinny (very skinny).

I'm currently hoping for somewhere in the 250 - 300 lbs range with a little bit more muscle to offset my growing gut.
13 years

Prefered weight

Currently hovering between 260-265. Right now I'm trying to shore up my fitness a bit before going much higher, but I'd really like to get over 300, if only to experience it for a while. Then again, if I made it to 330 I'd officially be "super obese" with a BMI of 50. Then it would just be 20 more pounds to 350, at which point I'd be in spitting distance of 380 which would likely put me in the 60-60 club (BMI and waist circumference), and so on...
13 years

Prefered weight

PinkyDear wrote:
Not sure that I have one. I wish I could try on different weights and see if I liked them. 450? 400?

I think 400 is almost a given with your Sexy eating habits Pinky.
Two other weights come to mind as well. 440 would mean you were Four times your size from high school! Wow. Not many have that kind of Transformation! smiley
And the absolute limit that I have thought about for you is 460. That would mean you doubled your weight on Fantasy Feeder!
Whatever weight you end up at. You'll Carry it Wonderfully. smiley
12 years

Prefered weight

I am curious why you would change from a slim and healthy body to underweight for your height!? Not condemning or passing judgment. Just Curious.
12 years

Prefered weight

on me about 145 because with my build I would look wierd smaller on guys don't care be a big as you want with the exception of if you're going to have a gut make it big and ROUND I admit not as much a fan of the hangy thing
12 years

Prefered weight

I haven't found my ideal yet. It seems to move up every time I reach some previously set point.
12 years
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