Extreme obesity

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

If I had the right kind of feeder, 1,000 pounds would be my MINIMUM goal.
I think it's a damn shame nobody's reached a full ton yet, and I'd like to change that.
Not that I'd stop there either...
1 week

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Some of these replies tho 🤭
1 week

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

I’ve always dreamed of being completely immobile, and if 1000 pounds came from that dream, I would sincerely celebrate it!
3 days

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Some of these replies tho 🤭
You should work on yours if you want a bf.
2 days

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

I do. Really 1500 but I know these are all dreams thst may never come true
1 day
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