
Prefered weight

I'm 5'4 feet tall, I weighed 108 pounds a year ago, I discovered that I like the girls in the flesh, and I like fatten .. so in 6 to 8 months I gained 10 pounds.
Now i'm weighing 124 pounds, almost all fat in my belly! smiley.
I would weigh 133 pounds .. and if my girlfriend likes it.. i'd like 155 .. smiley
12 years

Prefered weight

plumplittlegirl wrote:
I'm 5'4 and 186, I thought my goal was 200 but lately... I've been wanting to be 240..

Mmm, lovely goal!
12 years

Prefered weight

I'm perfectly fine with where I am right now. I'm 5'7" 220 lbs and my girl is 5'6" 230 lbs, with a huge, plump ass smiley
12 years

Prefered weight

200lbs is my goal but in have never been that big so its hard to tell if i would want to gain more or even lose a bit. Im 185lbs now which is a nice weight but at the moment i want to see how i look and feel a bit bigger.
12 years

Prefered weight

khr wrote:
I haven't found my ideal yet. It seems to move up every time I reach some previously set point.

What was the first set point?
12 years

Prefered weight

cutenchubby wrote:
200lbs is my goal but in have never been that big so its hard to tell if i would want to gain more or even lose a bit. Im 185lbs now which is a nice weight but at the moment i want to see how i look and feel a bit bigger.

I am also curious how you looks at 200. I like your round tummy at your weight now.
<3 Henk
12 years

Prefered weight

With last three years I have gained 100 pounds and went from xxxxxl size to xxxxxxxxl size. I am not planning to gain, but it is my lifestyle and that I love to eat more than I should just for maintaining current weight. It makes that I am gaining about 3 pounds every month and I dont want to become immobile. My idea is to make this gaining stop at least after two years, then I am about 500 pounds and I should be able to manage still my body myself and 10 xl is also biggest size available here. I dont want that I must order clothes specially made for me. Another issue is will I have enough discipline to stop overeating then, I simply think reasonably that at one point I should do that. When I was less than 400 I said maximum 400, now when I am over 400 I have pushed limit to 500 pounds. I am not feeling myself overweight, so I dont want also limit my eating pleasures.
12 years
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