
New say something nice thread!

A very elegant man!
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Apparently not only has great taste in Sci-fi (as demonstrated by his display pic) but also has great taste in Fantasy, as he is a fellow Potterhead. *raises wand in salute*
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Praise to the ICU nurses. You guys need more recognition.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Mattw91uk wrote:
foxglove wrote:
Everyone's favourite ginger - and never a cross word with anyone.


Subversive Panda: Wins a thousand points for his tastes in movies. Looks like someone I could easily chat in a rock bar with.

What I meant was... argh, just shoot me now.

He's awesome and really rather bright and good at conversations and... ok a bit sexy smiley

Does that make up for it?
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Seems we have a lot in common, he and I. But the thing my eye zoomed in on immediately was Audioslave. (Like a Stone is one of my favorite songs of all time)

Which is to say, You...are made of win.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

the best sponsor we could have here for our country!
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Has a great smile.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Is good without god (well, I'm assuming smiley )
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Has a quote from LotR as his signature. Winning, Winning.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

A fine young man with a truly winning personality.
11 years
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